Why Come to Coz in January?

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At the risk of getting my ears boxed too, I have to agree with Dave's point in the OP. (and, since I haven't lived and worked on the island in years, there's no potential buisness-related conflict of interest here, just one guy's opinion).
But, I think he didn't take it far enough. The problem with the conditions this time of year aren't just with the number of days the port are closed, but all the days when they probably should've been, or were pretty close to it, resulting in them falling somewhere between miserable, and downright dangerous.
I never had a problem with days the port was closed, because I always hated dealing with a herd of often unskilled, out-of-shape divers, in difficult and dangerous surface conditions. I can't recall how many times we'd get the word that the port was closed, and I'd be thinking, '"thank God", but later get the word that they located us one of the bigger boats to squeeze me, a divemaster, and all our clients onto, and we'd often be diving in conditions none of these people had any buisness being in (but it was that, or start refinding money, and that ain't happening !)
Of course, many of the tourists often had a different perspective (never realizing how close they were to getting brained by the ladder or boat engine), as they only had to worry about themselves, and they were concerned with getting their full week of diving in (and fair enough), but for me, being one of those that had the responsibility of simultaneously making sure everyone had a good time, and keeping them safe, I found winter diving down there to often be a real chore, or worse.
If I were to go down there again to dive, I'd avoid all the winter months like the plague.
Seriously? How moronic do you think us Scubaboarders are? It was clear from the beginning of this thread that you would parlay and manipulate the whole scenario into a prop for your business. I love using Scubaboard as a tool for researching destinations and gleaming from other peoples experience. However I cannot stand when people use it as a free vehicle for their advertising campaign. A lot of your posts are somewhat milquetoast and subtle. This one on the other hand is about as subtle as a personal injury lawyer's face plastered on the side of a city bus. If you feel it was so benign, why on numerous counts did you edit your original comment about Christi and all other dive ops?

Dear gotdogs, How in the world could you think that I started this thread to promote my business? I only intended to offer advice to those planning to come to Cozumel, as to the time of year. I probably have more experience than anyone as to Cozumel weather and port closures. If you have more please let us know.

Then when I heard that people were trying to rent tanks and dive the other side during nortes, I could only warn against such a thing as being unsafe. Yes, the port has been closed since last Friday, Saturday, Monday, then Wednesday and probably until Saturday. And Chisti's first post was completely wrong as to January 2017, which she now acknowledges. Really I don't have a dog in this fight, just trying to give some good scheduling advice to those who don't know the risk of January weather. I'd rather they be happy in May than disappointed in January

Dave Dillehay
Aldora Divers
Yuck. It finally got up to 42F in Plainview & Lubbock, colder in Galveston, 68 in Coz with 87% humidity and strong winds. It must be sad on the island with the whining tourists who only packed shorts & Ts. Worse for the Ops who still have to pay fixed expenses, no income, dealing with sad & whining customers - no fun. I don't guess any homes have vented heaters there. Remember, CO poisoning mimics flu symptoms.

Why doesn't someone (Christie, Dave, someone else) post port closures for all, or pertinent months, for the last 5 years or so, that we can all use that information to help in making travel decisions.
Don't go from Thanksgiving to May Day unless you're flexible. :p

I am actually working on that as we speak. I compiled the January information that I had immediate access to for the past five years to address this post. I should have the remaining months data compiled within a day or two.
Yes, the port has been closed since last Friday, Saturday, Monday, then Wednesday
The word "since" shouldn't be there, right. Closed 4 days so far this past week. It's wintertime. Got to expect it.

and probably until Saturday.
Closed tomorrow and maybe Friday you think? Oh look, rain. I read that a cruise boat did a few turns in the channel today, then skipped landing. See actual route below. Beach combing & bar hoping the east side may be fun, but not diving from shore or an unequipped boat with no safety tools nor backup boats. Scary! :eek: Coz diving may have started that 50 years ago with athletic adventurers, but so many things could go wrong over there with soft snow birds. Even with injured divers recovered alive, getting an ambulance over there would take longer.

Take a day on the peninsula. See some ruins.

Somewhat, I guess. I have experienced both and they aren't all that similar.
I haven't, but then I take a CO alarm everywhere. I read that the symptoms were similar on Wikipedia.
Carbon monoxide poisoning typically occurs from breathing in too much carbon monoxide (CO). Symptoms are often described as "flu-like" and commonly include headache, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. Large exposures can result in loss of consciousness, arrhythmias, seizures, or death.
I just returned from a wonderful week of diving in Cozumel. Even with the feared Norte around the diving was wonderful , fish plentiful and reefs healthy.
I would always rather be under water in Cozumel than trolling the internet ,trying to spoil the fun because I a grumpy diver .sorry just saying ...
hola Christi, soy Memo, solo para decirte que yo y todos aquí en Aldora te tenemos un gran respeto y cariño.
you know that we help each other.

Hola Memo!! Si claro! Igualmente!! You're my brother and my friend and I am grateful for that - todo esta bien entre nosotros y Dave tambien ;)
Isn’t it ironic that their high season is December to April, exactly when the Nortes are most prevalent? And when there are direct flights into CZM from my neck of the woods?


Cruise ships and their mobs of pod people are what Cozumel tourism caters to, not scuba divers. Scuba divers economic impact is so small relatively, it's little more than a rounding error in the accounting books, so to speak. The Carnival Freedom is rather less affected by El Norte seas than the average Cozumel 6-pack scuba boat, all the snow birds head south for their winter vacation, so that's is why high-season happens when it happens...nothing to do with scuba divers suddenly mobbing all the hotel rooms, etc. poor seasonal diving conditions in winter are irrelevant for the pod people.

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