B. Andy -- c'mon -- your posts on THAT thread were over the top -- man up and admit it!
Absolutely. I did even apologise in the thread for assuming the OP wanted advice. It
was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but I do understand that the humour doesn't necessarily translate that well over a screen. I thought the funny pics would illustrate that, but I guess it's just as easy to interpret those as being snarky too.
C. I am NOT a "Technical Instructor" but I do hope to become a baby one in the not too distant future -- even if it is merely a PADI beginning Tec Instructor. BUT, even with PADI, it is not enough to be able to do all the "skills" unlike what someone wrote earlier. At least with PADI (and I can't believe it isn't true with the other agencies) the Technical Instructor is specifically instructed NOT to certify a student if the instructor believes the student's attitude is not "appropriate for technical diving." It IS a combination of skills and mindset, unlike recreational diving.
Absolutely. There's a lot of difference between recreational and technical diving - and not just in terms of skills and procedures. Since I had my first taste of technical diving, in an icy quarry with Mark Powell some years ago, I've always tried to be a sponge when it comes to inter-acting with other technical divers. I didn't see that attitude in the OP of the thread we're discussing and I wanted to illustrate that for his benefit.
The PADI tec system does teach instructors
not to certify if the mindset isn't right. I fully support that. I don't currently hold any tec instructor rating with other agencies, but from the courses I've taken and the people I've dived with, I'd assume that a similar emphasis does exist, even if only informally.
D. Andy (again) -- did any of you notice that "Joel" left the thread after you started in on the whole nit-picky discussion so that you were only debating amongst yourselves? IF the purpose of your posts is to inform, then perhaps a better "attitude" on YOUR part is required -- but IF the purpose of your posts is to let people know your thoughts, then what the hell.
Joel posted in the equipment forum, rather than the technical forum, so I saw his post as an equipment based discussion, rather than a 'technical advice reqd' thread. If someone asks a question, then I'll answer it, if I can. I do believe there is no such thing as a dumb question.
To be honest, I'm (still) not sure why Joel posted this - as he didn't provide any clarity about what he hoped his post would achieve, or where he wanted it to go. I made the mistake of assuming he wanted a critique. As was pointed out in the thread, he didn't ask for a critique - but then, he didn't ask for anything else either. I made a jokey post to illustrate how I couldn't understand
what the OP wanted to achieve from his thread. His responses showed that it wasn't advice or critique. He didn't ask any questions.. and he didn't raise any issues. He just posted a picture, told us what he had bought and what course he was doing.
Maybe he just wanted a 'pat on the back' for
something? I really don't know.