The point that you are missing, is the directional selection toward the dumbing down of educational materials across the board, whether it's toward some Quixotic notion of "equity" where a correct mathematical answer is no longer even necessary; or whether it's some other meaningless California word soup, doesn't really matter.
A friend who just retired from teaching college zoölogy, marine biology and ecology, mentioned that it couldn't happen sooner. He had gone from posing essay questions and encoraging some critical thought to short answers; and, finally to Scantrons and multiple choice, because his administration, not he, demanded that, along with a message that he received from on-high, that many of his students were no longer capable of dealing with those materials that he had so successfully taught for over thirty years.
When I worked dive boats years ago, had some computer failed (and they frequently did, early on; notorious for flooding), it was not uncommon to just see divers pull out their faded, often cracked dive tables from a bag; swear a bit, and piece together a profile with a grease pencil.
More recently, that same failure, unless redundant electronic equipment was carried along, simply meant a long and expensive dry boat ride in the absence of tables; and contrary to many threads on SB, friends still in that industry, claim that very few divers, less than five percent, carry more than the bare minimum -- and a couple of the older guys, have even taken to teach or even re-teach tables, in the event of an equipment failure . . .