DIR- GUE Why are non-GUE divers so interested in what GUE does?

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So the old "You can only understand this if you're truly ensconced within the system" argument?

Nobody is able to talk about it unless they're true believers...
So the old "You can only understand this if you're truly ensconced within the system" argument?

Nobody is able to talk about it unless they're true believers...
no. plenty of people understand it with less experience with it. you just don't appear to be one of them based on your comments ITT.

you CAN understand it, but you don't and it's clear to most of us just by reading your posts.
Then explain it in simple terms such that a simpleton might understand it...
It's the bickerbattle royale! Someone cue the music...

I must be spoilt - there are literally more unexplored caves than cave divers in New Zealand- access is difficult and involves either helicopter access or double packing you gear through the bush.

Well you are also spoiled with how rural your country is. I remember driving around the North Island, it was amazing how few homes I saw even along the coast once you got outside of Auckland.

I want to come back and dive there one day.

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