If this forum is only about GUE, it should be named that. DIR historically means more than GUE, and places like Wikipedia say:
Given that GUE seems to be trying to disavow the term DIR -- due to its baggage -- it is an obvious conflict to name the forum DIR but have vocal proponents for it to be about GUE only.
I don't know how other folks feel about it but for me, DiR is not just GUE. I am sure many divers dive using DiR principles with little, if any, GUE training. I think
@RTodd said that he had already been doing the dives with DiR people long before he took his one and only GUE class (Tech 2). He is probably not the only example.
The thing about the various agencies, only GUE teaches what is DiR pretty much across the board, with arguably some exceptions. (Note: GUE doesn't even call it DiR anymore.) When AG started UTD, there was already a divergence between what UTD teaches and what is taught by GUE / what is practiced by the WKPP. UTD had CCR and sidemount and sidemount CCR many many moons ago. They were teaching mixed teams (OC and CCR divers on the same dive) before GUE had a CCR program. And the WKPP doesn't even do CCR.
I don't deny that UTD can and does teach DiR diving in some of their programs. I can't imagine how a diver is supposed to sort out what is DiR and what is not as it relates to UTD though. UTD makes their own decisions as to what makes sense for them and their divers - irrespective of what GUE or the WKPP do. I don't know ISE personally but I imagine similar issues exist with them.
Its even worse for IANTD, TDI, etc. Their general course structure is not DiR right out of the gate.
So no, DiR is not GUE specific. However, one issue lies in assuming that you get DiR training just because the agency calls their class DiR. A name is just a name. If your instructor has an extensive background in diving with the WKPP or other similar projects in Europe or in Mexico or has extensive background in GUE training, then sure, the instructor might be providing you training that is DiR even if the agency isn't GUE. But without that background, good luck.