Of course, you are welcome to interpret DiR as doing it relaxed for your own purposes. That's your business. But in order to avoid confusion, in this forum, DiR refers to the way they do it in the WKPP and largely what GUE teaches.
Ok, so you state, only gue divers are dir divers? I don't agree. Most agencies teach nowadays more or less dir and for sure swedtech or ise also. But I also see in iantd, nss-cds, tdi or naui cave the dir approach. I also teach dir, but also use other ways, as that is sometimes better. I can join a gue team and dive their way, I can join other teams and dive their way also.
You also forgot 'DIR rebreather', that is also a club of ccr divers that follows the dir way of diving implemented within ccr diving. I think it would be good that people who think they dive the right and only right way to look at others also. That makes you a better diver. That is what I did also, doing courses all over the world, different agencies and talk and dive with a lot of divers.
That is what most longlasting instructors also do. I had students in a cave or trimix class that started with gue, and no problems. I had students that did a cours with me and later went to gue and told me you teach the same way. I had students that were trained by completely different instructors and also talk with them about why they learned it that way and tell them why I do it a little bit different. But also I have seen and learned from non-dir divers some things that I have implemented in my diving.
I have dived with Tom Mount, one of the cave pioniers. Non dir, but you could learn a lot from him. Tom was one of my instructors and I travelled to him because I wanted a vision of someone who was there already in the cave diving world when I was not born. With open mind talks and diving you will come further in my eyes. And then you can decide what kind of dir or non dir you use.
And remember, sidemount and ccr are new in the dir community. I am a dinosaur that already used that before it was implemented.
But to talk about non DIR, I see already around me that the deep air is making a come back because of the helium prices. We also have in Europe a big CMAS influence and there 60m on air on a single tank is done. I also have a 60m air 3* divemaster cert from them.