When are you DIR trained? I have done some DIR courses with TDI and IANTD. There are everywhere DIR courses. My courses are partly DIR, of course the team approach, but I also teach self sufficient/solo. There is more DIR than only done a course. That is what I want to say.
And about statistics: what amount of divers is then DIR trained? Is that only 1 or 2%? What do then 20 accidents of which only 2 are done by DIR divers say?
Sidemount in open water is not dir? Ok, so it is less safe? I dive sidemount in open water sometimes. Why? To test things for cave diving, or sometimes just for fun. And sometimes I dive my Sidekick in open water in shallows for taking pictures of fish under trees. A DIR diver cannot do that thenAnd I am happy I can do that then. And also can dive DIR in other dives. So if I die during a dive, the conclusion of the reason will depends on the equipment and if I am solo or not.
What is DIR?
I have been asked to post an article I wrote about DIR. I'm flattered that it was considered for inclusion into this forum and I hope that it helps answer the questions that many of you face. What is DIR? This is a question I see asked often, and usually results in a heated debate. Strong...