But to talk about non DIR, I see already around me that the deep air is making a come back because of the helium prices. We also have in Europe a big CMAS influence and there 60m on air on a single tank is done. I also have a 60m air 3* divemaster cert from them.
My BSAC instructor would not pass students who could not master trim and buoyancy. I was trained on air as no nitrox back in the mid 80's. I can control my buoyancy and trim. Buoyancy I can control with my lungs and be motionless over a reef or in a water column. This is necessary when you want to get photo's and video of some marine critters. The slightest twitch or an air bubble and that critter is gone. To get close you have to be floating like a giant plankton. I've had divers pull on me thinking unresponsive diver lol. Oh yeah maybe I held my breath too long lol I do not mind doing dives on air to 40m just watch my NDL time if not doing a deco dive.
If I was living in a country where I could dive frequently I would look at doing the GUE Fundamentals. My skills I have written before are I believe to be competent.
I would say that unless diving with my dive partners I take vacations with I do not have the sense of team diving with instabuddies unless they are normally working in the dive industry. Also I do not expect OW or AOW to really get what being a team is.
They just know to hang around their dive buddies, most of the time.
Sometimes when diving with instabuddy instructors on vacations I can say they treat the dive like two solo divers sort of paying attention to each other at times. I've had some go into light back gas deco dives to get those photos and I am like, OK not abandoning my buddy but really? We are meant to stick to NDL. We silently clear our deco obligations without too many noticing except the DM's who do pay attention to the divers in the group.
Someone mentioned DIR as Doing It Relaxed. Well that's me really. I want to have fun relaxed vacation dives. Money is not an issue for me at this stage of my life so some I know would not want to spend the $$$ doing GUE courses.
I see this on the site linked below and go, ok, same as what my BSAC instructor drilled into us. Only he never mentioned perfection that I recall. He mentioned having to meet required standards. BSAC dive leader was to 50m on air back in the 80's. I did the BSAC sports diving which was to 35m
Miko Zulueta shared a link.
oeoSntsrdp6a90h1657a9gtifa37t0f1ht7h1l434l ·Before you jump into CC…. Doesn’t it make sense to become “perfect” first in OC?
And I mean… PERFECT!
- Physics / Physiology
- Awareness levels
- Buoyancy
- Trim
- Team Diving
- Equipment knowledge
- Dive planning capability
- Trouble shooting & Emergency protocols
Be P…E…R…F…E…C…T firs
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