Wildcard:Again, can you read? this is medical control at the base or reciving hospital. In some very small areas, I live in one of them, 911 dispatch is run by the PD and are SOMETIMES paid by FD and ambulance. Most often, 95% 911 is an answering service basicly, "911, fire, plice or ambulance?" then it is transfered to the dispatch center. Ive even seen areas that the fire dept extorts money from the privates to redispatch them. IE, 911-fire dispatch-EMS dispatch. makes for very slow response times.
As far as "hot" Im not aware of, but there may be, chambers that are staffed 24/7 but it makes little econimic sense and a delay of a couple of hours in the ER awaiting staff would be very common and except for AGE, not particularly harmful.
This immage you have of rushing someone with light and siren into a "hot" chamber is false. It just simply does not work like that.
Advice for new EMTs, which your not yet, you have two ears and one mouth for a reason, shut up and listen, you will learn much quicker.
ummmm....maybe you should should calm down and read more carefully yourself. I am not an emt in training, or desire to be one. I am a working diver in a small town with two chambers locally, with a third within a short flight. Flights from my 'little town' are fairly regular and common. Maybe i'm very fortunate to live in such a diving literate area.
Only one chamber is available at one time, so our local 'medical authority' knows which one has staff to run it. No one chamber is available 24/7, except Seattle.(which is a big city)