I have been going to Bonaire since 95' Liz and the thefts have been getting worse, not better. It's pretty bad when one of the DM's thats been living on the Island finds someone in his house and chases him for 2 hours on his bike. Then when he catches him the police won't even come out to arrest him.dvrliz1:Points taken, but some not agreed upon. Honestly, I think the current police department is to "poco-poco" and Bonhata is in meetings with the police department to make sure that when the government change happens that all of our concerns are addressed as they should be. In the meantime, we as resort operators are doing all that we can to get the police force to pay attention. It is being worked.Liz
The people I deal with in Bonaire are honest and hard working. When the kids get out of school on Xmas break, etc. is when the lions share of the problems start. I still contend that most Bonarians don't like the water.dvrliz1:There are many programs for kids such as the sports programs at the sports complex on Kaya Amsterdam, or Jong Bonaire, just to mention a few (there are also some that encourage children to become part of the tourist sector, training in snorkeling, diving, etc)Liz
I never said the Police Force didn't carry guns. However, one of the Marine Park Officers caught a spearfisherman, confiscated his equipment and said he was sorry. The man's mother and family was subsequently threatened. That Officer had nothing to fall back on. The Bonarian community won't turn in one of it's own.dvrliz1:The police force do carry guns, and as far as the marine park, they have caught spearfishing people without the use of guns.Liz
Send those kids to reform school!dvrliz1:The children from Rincon, let me tell you how it works. It is not Bonairean's who are the masterminds. These theives pay the Bonairean children to climb into small windows, open doors, etc. I'm not saying it is right, it is wrong. The problem is that the law does not allow currently for prosecution of children under the age of 18. This too is changing. There are 2 plans that are being worked right now, one which is making the parents responsible for the children's behavior.Liz
I have been leading trips around the world for 25 years. If I didn't like Bonaire so much, I would just quit going there and wouldn't have posted on this thread. The place has great potential. I just don't want to see it turn into another Jamaica.dvrliz1:I hope a Bonairean doesn't read the post about the water. I have been coming to Bonaire for over 15 year prior to living here, and my husband for 30...they love the water, they rely on it for food! Have you ever driven past "Donkey Beach", across from the airport on the weekend? Wall to wall Bonairean families who "camp" out for the weekend and enjoy the beach and water. Next time you are on the island, check out Cha-Cha beach, or Fisherman's pier, or on Sunday head over to Lac Cai.Liz
Toss one of those fishermen in the water and you'll see for yourself they can't swim well enough to get back to shore. They feel when their time is up, then they'll die.
I dove 'Donkey Beach' last week. I saw plenty of Bonairians on the beach and in the surf. I also have a lot of Bonairian friends. Some are DM's, but the lions share work in customer service. Fishing from a boat, or playing in the surf doesn't mean you can swim and it certainly doesn't make you very smart if you can't and get in over your head.
Liz, I've literally dove all around the world and Bonaire is the only place I've ever been where I've been told not to lock my car. That problem needed to be solved yesterday.dvrliz1:Don't lock your car, the mentality,not only on Bonaire but on many Caribbean islands is that if you lock the car, even if they can't see anything, there must be something in the car you are trying to protect, hence the break in. I've where vehicles have been side by side, the locked ones got the windows broken and ransacked, but the unlocked one were not ever touched!Liz
This has not only been going on for the past 8 or so years, it's been getting worse and you say the discussions are just starting. Isn't that a little late?dvrliz1:You are right about the police, like I said we are working on that. Programs such as patrols, etc are in discussions/works.Liz
I don't foresee any changes until it effects the Bonarian bottom line.
I was in town last week eating lunch with my wife when a couple of firecrackers went off and 4 punks sporting the Bonairian status symbols walked down the foyer laughing. I'm sorry if I offended your employee, but I've also noticed that adults have fancy cars and motorcycles, while they live in shacks. What does that teach their kids? I'm not trying to be unfair, but if this isn't brought out into the open, nothing will change.dvrliz1:I wonder what one of my employee's who sports a gold cap tooth, and is extremely responsible, married, 2 kids would think of your stereotyping....not fair...
I know you have a vested interest in Bonaire and I appreciate the hard work put into the hospitality that Bonaire provides. Just don't try and sweep this problem under the carpet by saying a change in government will fix it.