BUSDIVER: I would like to see them develop this site. I love the fact that it is $10 to dive and that is it. I don't have to pay for parking, my daughter can come down and I don't have to pay for her. Is it a matter of Divers Inc. doing more with the site or the county saying no they are not allowed to develop the site.
I appreciate your comments and your support of White Star. To answer your inquiry, we are able to put stuff into the quarry, problem is that transportation, cleanup and the sinking itself is something that takes time, money and some charity. The big thing is the transportation. Right now we have three big boats that are ready to go but no way to get them to the quarry. The park district has been super supportive. They have let me sink everything that I was able to get delivered to the quarry. Problem is that it costs money to move a sailboat 100 miles, or even 25 and an airplane needs three trucks.
There is another concern. We have seen a number of underwater sites become underwater junk yards. People come to me all the time with stuff they want to clear out of thier back yard. I just can't take everything. The bottomlands plan for the quarry that was approved early last year, does not allow just anything to be sunk. To put it super simply, if you wouldn't pay $10 to see it in a field somewhere, it probably won't make it into the quarry.
Improvements have been coming (we only have been there a year.) Since we took it over (Divers Inc.) we have sunk two boats and placed an engine on one of the underwater trailers. We also have put in new buoys, Nitrox, and repaired the platforms. More to come, that is just the beginning.
Now I have a question for you, what would you like us to do next?
Hope to see you diving at the quarry soon! I will be at Gilboa next saturday on the deep side with a class, and sunday at white star with a rescue course. Come find me if you are there.
Dive Safe,