Nobody said anything about the Mares, I thought that was a good one....
Since "nobody said anything about Mares"

I have not dove the MR-32 Presitge, so I'll just talk about the Mares and Zeagle regs I do own
I own and dive Zeagle Flathead VI's
and Mares regulators (MR-22 Abyss, MR-12 Proton, MR-12 Voltrex). I also service my own regs.
Performance: In my diving experience
Tuning plays the
biggest factor in performance as far as I can tell (which includes various and sundry Aqualung and Scubapro regs in addition to Mares and Zeagle). The Zeagle with it's adjustable barrel poppet 2nd stage is easier for the average tech to tune properly than the Mares with it's "classic downstream" 2nd. Having said
that, I slightly prefer how the Mares Abyss breathes at depth... but this is entirely subjective. The Zeagle is outstanding too. I've found that while an adjustable 2nd stage is nice, in practice I always adjust the Zeagel for easiest breathing: Which results in it breathing as easy as my well-tuned non-adjustable Mares Abyss

If the Mares is
not tuned properly, the Zeagle out-breathes it.
Design and Construction: The two brands use different design philophies to acheive the same performance result. In general, Mares leans towards "simple is better" compared to other high performance regs. Their 2nd stages in particular are incredibly simple, but perform
very well. But the Zeagle 1st stage is a work of art, and actually just
slightly easier (for me) to service than the Mares.... but both could be rebuilt by a talented 5 year old. Quality is equal as far as I can see when taking these regs apart.
Parts availability: Seem to be fine for both brands. I have purchased rebuild kits and parts online for both brands.
To the OP:
First decide where you will be getting your reg
serviced. If you have decided to have it done locally, that should narrow down your brand options dramatically.... if you plan to mail it off for service, your options are unlimited... (if you decide to learn how to service it yourself, you options are only limited by parts availablity).
Best wishes.