I think you'll be very happy that you purchased this suit the first time you rub against a wall, wreck, whatever reaches out and grabs you. I've seen TLS suits cut to ribbons by zebra mussels and wreck parts. My first suit (now my backup and travel suit) was a Mobby's Twin Shell Pro. It is a trilam with an 1000 denier cordura outer shell for protection. Very tough. I'm actually surprised that more cavers don't use it. It dries very fast and the cordura shell is very durable. I also found the outshell kept everything nice and streamlined. The one downside to Mobby's is the lack of custom sizing. So when I was having a hard time with my shoulders in the Mobby's, I got fitted for a signature CF-200. I love this suit - tough as nails, a pleasure to dive, and for me, mobility is only a problem.
For underwear, I have the Weezle Compact and Extreme+. I flat out think these are the warmest and easiest to maintain underwear out there. With a DUI +5 vest and some expedition weight long underwear, there is a lot of versatilty from the 70 degree temps of the St. Lawrence to the 38 degress of the Great Lakes.
After you dive your new suit a few times, let us know what you think.