Where is the line between minding my own business?

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You would think that she would be scared Shootless to dive again.

She's a "beautiful blond" that is spoiled. Nothing bad is supposed to happen to her. The world owes her a living.
It doesn't matter how pretty they are .. cause the fact is, somewhere, somebody is sick of their sh**.

I wonder if she'll respond to my post
She's a "beautiful blond" that is spoiled. Nothing bad is supposed to happen to her. The world owes her a living.

If she's cute enough, the world will probably cooperate (at least for a few years).

However Boyle doesn't care and she's not immune to physics.

If she's cute enough, the world will probably cooperate (at least for a few years).

However Boyle doesn't care and she's not immune to physics.


Although money and plastic surgery will allow you to beat some laws, the laws of physics still apply. I fully agree.
It doesn't matter how pretty they are .. cause the fact is, somewhere, somebody is sick of their sh**.

I wonder if she'll respond to my post

Did you post on her site? (Never mind.....I just went to divebuddy and saw it. It'll be interesting to see how she responds....IF she does).
This was the last post I made to her yesterday. "Surprisingly," she hasn't responded:

"Actually, the two months began after the last decompression chamber treatment, which was August 1. July 25 is when we did our first dives. The accident occurred on July 30 with the first decompression "dive," then the second one the following day when you flew to PR sooner than the doc recommended. You really should wait until October before you do any other dives to ensure no more "hits," unless a doctor who knows dive medicine told you otherwise,. I don’t want to see you hurt again!!"
Very nice post. :thumb: Much nicer than I could come up with.
:shocked2::shakehead: My family & I are new divers. Normally, you might recognize this "person" as an un-safe situation up front, but as newbies, we might be too focused initially to realize what was going on with her attitude & behavior. Certainly wouldn't want her in my party, much less as my buddy (or that of one of my family!!).

BTW, I know you can "call" a dive for any reason. So, what if you are UW and realize your buddy is not being a good buddy, for whatever reason -- what do you do? Do you take it to the DM for resolution? My goal is safety, but how far does my responsibility to my buddy go if the buddy is a jerk?:classic:
Rule #1: Follow your training! (There is a Dir camp that has another #1 that they like to banter in without explaining; avoid confusion.)

You and your paired buddy have implied obligations to each other, but don't count on them. Keep doing the next right thing. If you feel overly challenged by a situation, call the dive; if the instant-buddy won't ascend, either say Bye and move to the DM if close or do a safe solo ascent. On the boat, simply explain that you can't dive with that person again. In the event the bad bud you escape has a subsequent accident, be prepared to cover you butt with why you escaped them, explaining that you called the dive as you were uncomfortable with his/her actions, but he/she would not cooperate. "Don't want two victims" is an accepted explanation when supported. Me personally: I carry a pony and prepare for the worst possible buddy on every dive.
Hopefully this will be more than enough warning for potential dive buddies, but I would consider throwing something in there about her lack of buddy skills. It's truly unfortunate when someone is asking for buddies to join them in the Caymans (or other distination diving location) only to forget about them as soon as they splash into the water. I know I would be extremely disappointed and upset if I booked a trip with her only to find out she was going to be a crappy buddy and ditch me.
Yes, you're right. Something more diplomatic but along the lines of: "Well, since you have repeatedly shown us that you like to do you own thing, do not want to dive with a buddy, and cannot be counted on as a buddy - why are you endangering others with your invitations?" OH hell, quote me. :D
You're right. On our trip, I at least had three other good buddies (one I KNEW was a good buddy before going into this), so it wasn't any big deal. But if she was the only one I ended up with my whole trip would have been ruined. If someone takes her up on the Cayman trip (even after reading the posts) and she is the only buddy they have, they might as well dive solo. I'll have to think of a way to bring that up without sounding like I'm attacking her on divebuddy.
Don't worry so much.
Maybe they can tatoo it on her forehead the next time she ends up in the decompression chamber.....:rofl3:
Carry a sharpie at least and write on her forehead while she's out. :crafty:
actually, don, that's a great plan! hahahahahaha!
actually, don, that's a great plan! hahahahahaha!
Haha, which one?
writing on her head when she's out. reminds me of drunk friends during college!

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