You never answered how long we have to stay locked inside until it is safe to come out.
And therein is exactly the problem with your "logic" (such as it is): It's utterly stupid to simply pick some random date.
"The churches will be full by easter. I think that would be great!"
"We should open on June 1st!"
Go ahead, pick any date. They are all equally stupid. Because you do not (and any rational person should not) simply pull some random date out of their ass and pronounce it as the right time to open. Because it's based on what - how things feel inside their ass?
You "open" when the circumstances - real world conditions and DATA - tell you it's safe to do so. Unless you just don't care how many people die.
Otherwise, you are just closing your eyes, plugging your ears and screaming LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU, pretending you have some clue about what's going on, and shooting guns in random directions in a dark room.
As best I can tell, there is virtually no testing taking place on Cozumel at all (statistically speaking, not enough to have a clue about what's going on). Nobody has the slightest idea how many people are currently infected, or how fast it's spreading now, even how many people are being killed by it. The best "data" available is made by making guesses based on anecdotes and tiny scraps of real but obviously mostly incomplete data. How in god's name is it responsible to make public health decisions based on essentially zero information? In the real world, facts matter.
Lets say there's a flight leaving for Cozumel tomorrow. The plane has a blind flight crew, they've never flown a jet before, and none of the instruments on the plane are working - no navigation instruments, no instrument landing system, nothing, and the flight is going to take off at night, point south, and hope that it comes to a nice safe landing in Cozumel based on instinct or something. Would you get on that plane? I sure as hell wouldn't. Not very different from suggesting a date to "open" and welcome tourists.
Making decisions on ending lockdowns in a pandemic when there is essentially no real information on the spread of the virus, especially where you have a tiny number of ICU beds, is about as smart as getting on that plane with blind pilots and no instruments. It's fecking crazy, irresponsible, and unless you are reeeeeealy lucky, is going to result in a catastrophe.
So go ahead, get on that plane. Pick a date next week or next month to open everything up. With smart planning like that, this would be a good time to invest in a company that makes coffins.
Good luck.