I guess I need to clarify the science part of my post.
Your position appears to be that VPM is the ONLY algorithm that works and that VPM is clearly SUPERIOR in some way.
That position has very little support in the scientific community.
You have misinterpreted the posts Bruce. One more time.....
There is only one profile shape or style used by vast majority of the diving community. It's the deep stop profile used in various proportions. Bubble models, RD, GF and others systems all create these. GF can create all shapes, but most people use GF exclusively to make deep stop profiles. This includes your products and customers too. Every training agency teaches deep stops. Deep stops are here to stay.
I find it hypocrisy for anyone to suggest that GF with its deep stop profiles, is still related to the man tested originals. You can't have it both ways Bruce - if your down at the deep end of the profile spectrum with the rest of us, then you have clearly abandoned the man tested origins, like the rest of us. Welcome to the untested world. Any criticism of VPM profiles, applies equally to GF profiles of today, and RD and all others too.
It's a fact - virtually no one dives or is trained in any of the man tested / published standards or profiles.
Now you keep harping on the medical aspects. Research is stuck in an awkward place. Very few researchers are working on this. For the last decade divers and training agencies have moved away from the man (lady) test standards in favor of anecdotal deeper stop methods. The transition has been much faster than the science can keep up. During the same period, training has vastly improved and a greater understanding of DCS factors is known - all anecdotal information of course.
Only the Navies of the world can fund new testing, but they have an invested history in their existing systems and methods. I don't expect them to produce any new testing that will cause them to change overnight.