what's the right thing to do?

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call her a cheeky monkey and to put the buns back in the oven...lol

my dive buddy was sitting on a ledge in Cozumel, with his leg up on the ledge...i looked down...saw that the "boys" were hanging out and just said "dude....." and told him. lol We still laugh about it.

My top came off in the pool once when we were practicing skills....lol He took his time telling me about that.

I would have no problem making a joke to help a sister....or brother out. But i'd try to make them laugh...and make it between me and them...if at all possible.
one time at band camp...

oops sorry, wrong message board
i figured you would take the laugh for me to give a little advice.

;) I did enjoy the show...not complaining!
I was way to embarrassed and :shocked: to say anything at all ... now I check more closely before I peel off my suit.

This is why I wear a one piece while diving. I'm reading all of these posts, giggling....some of this is pretty funny.

In this case...I would quietly let her know.

call her a cheeky monkey and to put the buns back in the oven...lol

my dive buddy was sitting on a ledge in Cozumel, with his leg up on the ledge...i looked down...saw that the "boys" were hanging out and just said "dude....." and told him. lol We still laugh about it.

My top came off in the pool once when we were practicing skills....lol He took his time telling me about that.

I would have no problem making a joke to help a sister....or brother out. But i'd try to make them laugh...and make it between me and them...if at all possible.

OMG...I'm rolling now!
Older woman's P.O.V.: I find it hard to believe that she didn't know that she was one cheek to the wind, so maybe she just didn't care or enjoyed the flaunting as some do. If we give her the benefit of the doubt and she didn't realize it, then a quiet word to her buddy or accompanying friend, if there was one, would have been appropiate. I personally would rather hear it from my husband or a pal then a stranger, but I'm older and never was a bikini-type to begin with. (And maybe one cheek wasn't uncovered, maybe the other cheek got covered!)
This is why I wear a one piece while diving. I'm reading all of these posts, giggling....some of this is pretty funny.
One piece eh? Is that the top or the bottom piece?

Inquiring minds want to know ;)
If it were me, I would consider it chivalrous to possibly block the view while quietly stating "Miss, you may want to check your suit". I'm sure I would thank you, but as one poster stated, the subject should then be dropped. A little humor certainly would work also. Now, in this situation with good friends or buddies, I'm sure I'd never hear the end of it and we'd all have a good laugh at my expense.

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