What's an Internet Diver?

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Rick Inman

ScubaBoard Supporter
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
We've all seen the term dropped in a post: Internet Diver.

The term is almost always used in a derogatory manner. Here's a few examples:
Most of the internet divers who show up with a long hose have no idea how to properly stow one or exactly why a long hose is around in the first place.
Curt Bowen:
Do you not have your real name posted because your afraid of someone knowing who you are or does this provide a smoke screen so you can flame others about diving in which you really have no experience or knowledge about and your playing a guru internet diver.
Well dweeb, i'm sorry but your losing me here. You sound like a great internet diver .... keeping up the good internet wizardry.
At the moment you probably don't have enough experience to know what you really like - reguardless of how many internet divers are telling you exactly what you want.
What this poll shows is the BP/W divers are a clear majority amongst "Internet Divers".
OTOH, the vast majority of divers I've seen use jacket BCDs.
You need to Separate a system from posts from internet divers and training agencies...DIR is just a system...nothing more nothing less
Oh, we have a few internet divers who have yet to do much diving telling others who have that they're doing it wrong.

So what exactly is an Internet Diver? Someone who spends more time online than diving? Someone who learns diving techniques on a diving forum? Someone who makes gear choices based on what they read online? I know I'm guilty of all three of these things.

Or is it something else?

And do you consider yourself an Internet Diver?
Rick - have you looked in the mirror recently?

:D :D :D

Sorry – couldn’t let that one pass by…

I don't think any of those three examples count: I'd define an internet diver as someone who gives advice on this board on a technique or piece of equipment that they have never dived with.

I consider myself just a plain diver ~ A internet diver to me is someone who tries to force their opinion on someone. And truthfully I don't think that there are that many here, but that term gets thrown around because two people disagree, and nobody wants to back down.

Like I use to tell my ex - Just cause your way works for you doesnt mean that it works for everyone.

This is definitely a sport that the one size fits all approach doesnt work. Be it Tech, Rec, DIR, Solo whatever.
I'm the poster child for Internet Diving. I've learned 10 times as much online as I did in any class. I'm guilty of everything on your list.

Without my internet diving, I probably wouldn't be doing 90 minute dives to 75', diving a long hose, diving with a backplate, diving doubles, etc etc etc.

IMO, those who accuse others of internet diving are generally older and have lots of dives.. and are perhaps a little resentful of a diver who knows a thing or two that took them way more dives to learn/figure out/hear through a friend, etc. But you can bet your butt they won't admit to it.. and I'm sure I'm about to hear it from a few of them too :wink:
Sounds like a PADI Distinctive Specialty opportunity!

I'll have to agree with Johnnythan on this one - most of the folks in my locale haven't even heard of DIR. And the dive clubs typically have one or two events per season. I need lots more time underwater than that. Finding Scubaboard was the best thing that's ever happened to me as a diver, allowing me to find answers (and differing opinions) to most of the questions that started to arise as I began to dive more and more. The comeraderie came soon afterward, and quickly became my main reason for coming back over and over...

So I guess I can say that I'll gladly wear my Internet Diver patch on my shoulder...
Internet diver: Someone whose post count is double, triple or quadruple their logged dive count.


Let's not start comparing numbers here though - there's other threads that have done so.
Sounds like a PADI Distinctive Specialty opportunity!

...snip...So I guess I can say that I'll gladly wear my Internet Diver patch on my shoulder...

Thank goodness an opportunity to PADI bash was not missed.
Wow...I was quoted. Does that count towards my 15 mins of fame?
Just wondering what the DIR specs are for internet diving!!!

Rule #1: Use a spell cehker

Rule #6: Even when you are wrong...Go on the offensive.


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