What type of fins do you use and why?

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I didn't notice anyone mentioning flip fins. I've used the Omega flip fins for about two years with the spring staps. The main reason is safety. I climb up the ladder with the fins on. They're really great for shore dives. No one is stepping on my fins and I don't need to do the shuffle. I get some strange looks from people, however. I don't notice any loss of speed or manuverability from previous fins I've used. I wore them during our Coco's Island liveaboard and it was so much easier to simply put them on while on the boat and get in the rubber boat while everyone else was trying to get their fins on while balancing on the boats edge and then sit sideways for the trip to the dive site.
I'm sorry, when I dream about awesome diving, it just does NOT include any images of climbing up the ladder or walking along the boat with my fins on.....these aspects of diving are to me, so trivial and meaningless, it is almost fascinating that a manufacturer was able to "invent" a need for help with this AND to sell the resultant "Flip-fins"..... I mean, consider for a moment the duration of the proposed benefit for the flip fins...For an hour long diving episode, 20 seconds of walking on the boat ( which is easier still barefoot) and at the dive end, climbing the ladder for 5 to 10 seconds....and not forgetting that both of these brief issues are taking place durring non-diving time.....
So WHY purchase fins for use as climbing or walking footwear?
If you want fins that will make you move through the water better, then they will NOT be Flip Fins....Anytime you would like to try a pair of freedivng fins, I have a pair for you to try...you can try them at the Blue Heron Bridge, or come do a boat dive with my friends and I any Sunday....I have multiple pairs :)
I'd be happy to show anyone how easy it can be to walk in freedive fins...Climbing the ladder is going to require them off, unless the platform is low enough to allow "bellying up" on it.

*** I do NOT sell Freedive fins, or have any stake whatsoever, in any company that does. *** The massive Advertising campaigns that have led divers to their present poor fin choices are like "bad teeth that need extraction".....
ONE IMPORTANT THING I'VE LEARNED ABOUT USING MY BIOFINS... Because they are SO negative I use CROCs instead of dive boots. the buoyancy of the CROCs exactly negates the weight of the fins in the water and makes the dive so much more comfortable. The other divers on the boat have some strange looks and I get to explain a lot, but it works for me! I even use the CROCs with my drysuit instead of my Rockboots.


Wow! That is something I have yet to see... I have seen an old pair of trainers being used instead of boots. And I have seen someone try (and fail) to wear nothing at all with adjustable fins.

As for me, when wearing my drysuit, instead of wearing proper rock boots, I use slip on normal dive boots a couple of sizes larger than I need, and that works well.
I use Hollis F1's, dive dry or wet with them. I love them, got them b/c of suggestions on scubaboard. Have not had a reason to look for anything else.
Split fins don't the same thrust as that of Jet fin, or a non split fins. Diving in sitting position they don't propel as good as those not split. They're not so great under currents. How ever everyone has there own opinion. What is suitable for others may or may not be suitable for you. Equipment is all about trying and testing for the type of diving at hand. Compare!!!!

Have fun diving and enjoy....
I dive with DiveRite EXP fins (2010) because they are very stiff and great for the cave diving I do. They are the best for frog and back kick.

I have Atomic Splits and dont really like them and have tried F-1s,turtles,jets and more I like the DR's better.
Cressi Spacefrog One for me - they are stiff, reasonably long and have plenty of power (They do however require a strong set of legs). I have been using them for over 10 years and I still love them. I have tried TwinJets (the black stiffer ones) on a few occasions, and have enjoyed the different feel and kicking style - I may even buy some one day! At the end of the day it just comes down to personal preference, and whatever you find the most comfortable during the dive - each to their own.......
blue Mares X-Stream. happy so far. about to spend 2 weeks with them in Honduras so its probably a good thing im happy with them. :)
Split fins don't the same thrust as that of Jet fin, or a non split fins. Diving in sitting position they don't propel as good as those not split. They're not so great under currents. How ever everyone has there own opinion. What is suitable for others may or may not be suitable for you. Equipment is all about trying and testing for the type of diving at hand. Compare!!!!

Have fun diving and enjoy....
Here is a video showing a typical split fin wearing diver, that uses splits BECAUSE of terribly bad finning technique and a lack of proper coordination. Instead of giving him help, his dive shop got him split fins !!! YouTube - ‪Diver with skills that split fins were created for...If you swim like this, GET HELP!‬‏
You can see why the poor technique used by this guy favors a very soft and ridiculous fins like these splits.
Instead of giving him help, his dive shop got him split fins !!! ... You can see why the poor technique used by this guy favors a very soft and ridiculous fins like these splits.

We could teach him OR we could sell him a more expensive product that will actually prevent him from becoming a better diver. Hey let's pick option #2!!!

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