Any certification that attests your skill to use at least two tanks and two regulators (or two breathing apparata) and two buoyancy control devices and (where needed) two lights, should be considered equal to self-reliant diver (or solo diver).
This would mean various mixed gas and/or overhead and/or deco diving courses. And all rebreather courses, save the rec rebreather courses.
Exactly. In the IANTD normoxic book is also written: If you don't think you can do the dives solo, don't do them.
Solo/self reliant/self sufficiant courses are also not directly for people who want to dive solo, they are also for divers who want to learn about things they never thought about or the cases when you loose a buddy.
But every techdiving cert is more than a solo cert and that means a solo cert is not needed anymore then. The solocert is for 40m within NDL. The tech certs also go deeper, further, deco, overhead, etc. So are absolutely more worth.
When I did my cave diver course, there was no technical wreck diving course. Cave diving was and is always over wreck diving courses. Also the cave diver course is more than the minediver course. So with a full cave cert you can do also technical wreck and mines.
I did my cmas 3* in the time that it was a 60m cert, even that this depth is not on it written. Then it changed to a PO2 of 1.4, so 57m. Now it is I believe also a 40m cert. This means the 3* certs up to 2014 are 60m certs, then till 2020 57m certs and now 40m certs. Divecenters have to know this.
Also the 2* cert means 40m, so then no deep diver needed.
And if you start cavediving after your AOW, the intro to cave cert gives you a limit of 40m depth within NDL. Then you don't need a deep diver cert anymore.
The most funny discussion I ever had with a divingcenter was that they wanted from me a nightdiver cert. I was a that time 3* diver and within cmas 2* there is nightdiving and in the 3* you need to guide nightdives. But you don't get a specialty card. Also I was at that time a technical cave diver. So more darkness than in a cave you will never find. So sometimes, divecenters just want to make money.
Another example was a diver who did with me the technical cave diver course and then went for work to Iceland. The diver took his own drysuit, but never did a drysuitcourse (that is never required, even sidemount courses are not required for techcourses in sidemount, also an intro to tech or essentials is not needed to enter advanced nitrox courses. Fundies is different, but I talk about the biggest group of courses that are done). But there they wanted to see a drysuit cert to dive the Sifra. The diver showed pictures of him in a cave in drysuit, pictures of him diving a drysuit on wrecks, but no, there were not 20 dives without cert signed off by an instructor. I answered the email that I was the photographer, AND instructor and that you can see on exif times and dates that there are more than 20 dives made. And even my email as instructor was not enough. So that divecenter in Iceland is an absolutely no go and only wants to sell ********. A diver who comes with his own drysuit, can proof more than enough certs, can proof he dived a lot in drysuit, then you really don't understand your task as a divingcenter.
Another funny thing is that I was already diving sm ccr in caves before there was a sm ccr cave course. Also, I already used my sm ccr as bailout ccr before courses came. I have developed my own knowledge. No course needed.
As already written earlier, there are useful diving courses like ow, nitrox, cave, trimix, etc. Other courses are for some divers useful like drysuit, ppb/into to tech/essentials, dpv, sidemount, you can learn yourself, but if you don't trust take a course. And there are courses that are really just for fun, but not to make better divers like biology, photography, etc.
For dpv I arranged a 'Scooter' card. No open water or cave mentioned. that means I can use it everywhere.
And I solved this problems and discussions with an 'Everything diver instructor' card.

This also means you can dive solo.