Thank you for everyone's response. Yes, I agree that there are already too many "Which dive Op" threads on this forum. Date of Information, and Valet service would definitely need to be in there. I am aware of the number of dive ops (or at least I have heard that there were over 100) but my intention was to limit it to the "Top Ten" or so...maybe 20... that are frequently referred to on this board. I agree that a searchable list would be of value, but I have no intention of charging, or trying to generate revenue off of this, or even listing a ranking or reviews. I can see that the number of columns could grow excessive, but I wanted to keep it as objective as possible, with maybe an "other attributes" column as a catch all. I have had what I feel to be a heart felt request by one operator, who's opinion I value and respect, to not do this for some of the problems already mentioned. At this point, I may experiment with the list on a private basis, just to see how it works, but I don't see myself posting anything in the near future. Again, thank you for your responses.
MODERATOR-feel free to close this thread.
Have a Merry Christmas everyone.