Here is one breakdown for your comparison. If I am comparing apples to hotdogs then let me know:
Fundies: 875
Cave1: 2200
Cave2: 2200
Total cost = 5275
Essentials: 650
Overhead Protocols: 875
Cave1 and Cave 2 combined: 1500
Cave 3 (Deco cave course) = 875
Total = 3900 to reach the same level as GUE Cave 2
Cavern: 400
Intro: 400
Apprentice: 400
Cave: 400
Overhead Deco: 600
Total: 2200
I could add more but the above illustrates the overall premise of my post. These are all well reputed names up there.
The cost difference doesnt always equate well to the overall "which is better" equation... its relative and can be difficult to quantify.
My regular dive buddy and I took our cave courses at the same time in Fla. We drove down together and shared a house while he took his training with GUE and I took mine with some one else, ((my funds were not so good at the time) (we both took Fundies together and both had tech passes)). Due to the time of year a lot of systems were blown out so we ended up the same sites and seeing each other in the cave.
Short version is he was up and gone long before I got out of bed each day and returned from class long after I'd gotten back to the house. While I had to show basic proficiency in skills, their classes were doing the skills again and again and again and again, then adding more failures and doing them even more. There is no comparison between what I witnessed their classes doing and what I was doing.
That's not a slam on other agencies, they have some awesome instructors and some great training. 5 years, a few hundred cave dives in varying conditions and locales later, and more training up through cave dpv, I dont feel I had poor instruction and dont regret taking my classes with some one else. That said I still plan on taking cave1 & 2 for the added knowlege and possible skills refinement.
I'll add this, I've seen some "well reputed names" teaching some very questionable classes. I try not to judge as I cant say what conversations were had out of the water or if the students even passed the class (in a few cases I hope for their sake they didnt) I can say I've seen enough questionable things repeatably from respected instructors, as have many experienced cave divers from differing backgrounds, to raise some serious red flags. I've also seen some instructors repeatably teaching classes that were stellar.
Bottom line, do a lot of research. Match personalities, be upfront about your goals, ask questions, dont be afraid to choose some one else, take your time in deciding, be prepared to temporarily fail the class, relax and enjoy the ride...