Vance Harlow's book is on its way. I decided to do the next round of servicing myself. I'm looking forward to doing this
In regards to the ultrasonic cleaners, I typed "ultrasonic cleaner" in the ebay search box and then sorted the results by price -- low first -- to filter out big industrial expensive ones. A whole wack of really cheap ones came in (~$5). Apparently the cheapest ones are only battery powered -- 2 AA's. I do not think a battery only one would be adequate. For this kind of work I'd assume I should get something with at least an AC power cord. Any advice on ultrasonics or any particular model/style I should keep away from? Should I look for specific features (timers, heaters, baskets, special solutions, etc.) or will any simple model that vibrates to more than 30K Hz with tap water will suffice?

In regards to the ultrasonic cleaners, I typed "ultrasonic cleaner" in the ebay search box and then sorted the results by price -- low first -- to filter out big industrial expensive ones. A whole wack of really cheap ones came in (~$5). Apparently the cheapest ones are only battery powered -- 2 AA's. I do not think a battery only one would be adequate. For this kind of work I'd assume I should get something with at least an AC power cord. Any advice on ultrasonics or any particular model/style I should keep away from? Should I look for specific features (timers, heaters, baskets, special solutions, etc.) or will any simple model that vibrates to more than 30K Hz with tap water will suffice?