What if all instruction was free...

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Uncle Pug:
About college that is.... I mean it is getting soooo expensive...

What if college were free!!??!!

I mean, think about it! Any one who wanted a college education could have one if college were free. If professors would just teach for the love of seeing folks get a free education we would have more folks getting college degrees and some of them could become professors and teach other students for free!

I was thinking about free food too. If there were more restaurants that served free meals... and not just soup kitchen stuff either... I'm talkin' some high end dinning. If more restaurants served free gourmet dinners a lot of folks who never get to eat out would be able too.

Where would the food come from you ask? Well I'll tell you: from the free food farms of course. There are farmers who love farming... and I'm sure that they could give away cows and vegetables for free since cows make more cows and vegetables grow out of the dirt for free.

I would like a free car too. I think BMW makes enough money selling real BMWs that they could give away Mini Coopers. I like Mini Coopers. I would like one for free.

While you're at it, please get the agencies to waive annual instructor fees and insurance companies to offer that liability coverage for free, OK? Thanks.

BTW, I don't know the answer to this but can someone tell me if surfing instructors need to be certified, and insured?
I know an Instructor who pretty much gives dive Instruction away for cost. He does thhis just because he loves to dive. He also has a second job, owns his own gear, owns the gear for students, goes to a shop that gives free air fills, and basically has very minimal personal expenses. He still has to charge a little more than what the class costs him directly and work another job on top of that.

You see, UP got it right, it all boils down to one thing. There's this stuff that seems to be fairly important. This stuff is the real reason that everything costs anything at all if you really stop to think about it. Yep, this stuff is the real driver behind the economy if you take it down to the most basic level. What is this all important stuff? Food! no matter what you do with your time or how much you enjoy what you are doing, you have to eat. The dive instructor has to pay for all the services that other people give him. Why? I mean if the roofer loves putting roofs up so much, why does he charge? Because he has to pay for everything. If everyone could eat free and live for free, we could probably have a good chance of getting this off the ground, however, that can't happen with today's world.

I once read an idea in a Science Fiction book. Molecular Synthesizers(sp?). Little balls of energy that can change the air into any material that you want in any shape. Food, house, car, whetever you want in a floaty, glowing ball. Unless one of you have the design for one of these handy to give to the entire world, NOTHING IS FREE. There are costs for everything, because you are paying all the people who worked to bring you that thing to eat.
Strif I once read an idea in a Science Fiction book. Molecular Synthesizers(sp?). Little balls of energy that can change the air into any material that you want in any shape. Food:
What do you pay for Scuba Board. NOTHING its free.
What do you pay for Scuba Board. NOTHING its free.
I disagree...

You are a targeted marketing opportunity for the Google Adwords program and the banner ads that helps support this board. You are paying by actually viewing each page. However you (us) should probably be paying more!

You're probably also paying for an internet connection to get here and I'm guessing the computer you're using probably wasn't free either.

NetDoc pays for hosting and bandwidth which isn't free.

Can you truly call scubaboard a free service?
Comrades, :eyebrow:

Personally i would love to make my living teaching scuba. I really don't have that option if i want to keep a standard of living remotely close to the one my family has now. I mean we really don't mind beans & franks or two for one macaroni & cheese sometimes but it gets old after awhile.

It nice to dream but IMO its really sad that an option is not available for making a reasonable living teaching scuba in our area. The people i know that are doing it in other areas, (usually warm water resort areas), in general, are only scratching out a living.

As comrade Pug has alluded to, it would be great if everything was free but everything would have to free for this utopian idea to work. No need for money if everything is free eh?

It just won't work if the other guys products/services are free but you get paid for yours. ;)
Well, I suppose I could just charge enough to cover my costs for the class... but then I'd have to raise my prices.
Rick :)
Uncle Pug:
About college that is.... I mean it is getting soooo expensive...

What if college were free!!??!!

Mine was..

It is just in this malfunctioning corporation that we call the United States that it is so expensive.

As comrade Pug has alluded to, it would be great if everything was free but everything would have to free for this utopian idea to work. No need for money if everything is free eh?

It just won't work if the other guys products/services are free but you get paid for yours. ;)
Think of how many people that would put out of work! Accountants, bank workers, tax collectors, extortionists, blackmailers, and of course without money to line their pockets and something to fight for lawyers would also be out of a job - doesnt actually sound like a bad world at all ;)

Maybe what we need is a seperation of LDS sales and education - that would be the nearest that we could get to an ideal situation, no more subsidising instruction with inflated gear prices, instructors/salesmen on you to buy the latest/greatest thing in the LDS before you have finished your course - would you all be in favour of that??
Rick Murchison:
Well, I suppose I could just charge enough to cover my costs for the class... but then I'd have to raise my prices.
Rick :)

Cost ... is most definately in the eye of the beholder. ;)
Uncle Pug:
About college that is.... I mean it is getting soooo expensive...

What if college were free!!??!!

I mean, think about it! Any one who wanted a college education could have one if college were free. If professors would just teach for the love of seeing folks get a free education we would have more folks getting college degrees and some of them could become professors and teach other students for free!
My college education was "free" as well, both degrees and a year of research on the side too. The tab was picked up by the state for the tuition fees (so the profs do get paid) that is obvious paid indirectly through taxes, but even so, at the time it cost me nothing to go to college, only to live through the week - but i did have to be in the classroom at least 40 hours per week plus homework, so couldnt have a full-time job like the US students do. After i tell them about my schooling, US grads said they would much rather get a bachelors over in 3 years and a masters in 1 year than take 4 and 2, respectively - however this study group is only about 30 people. Assuming you can get the grades to get into college you only have to worry about finding money to live from a part time job or loans (unless you are lucky enough to have rich parents) - still paying mine off. Anyway, i entered the workforce over here a full 2 years before anyone out of the US colleges of a similar educational standard was hired.

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