UP,Uncle Pug:About college that is.... I mean it is getting soooo expensive...
What if college were free!!??!!
I mean, think about it! Any one who wanted a college education could have one if college were free. If professors would just teach for the love of seeing folks get a free education we would have more folks getting college degrees and some of them could become professors and teach other students for free!
I was thinking about free food too. If there were more restaurants that served free meals... and not just soup kitchen stuff either... I'm talkin' some high end dinning. If more restaurants served free gourmet dinners a lot of folks who never get to eat out would be able too.
Where would the food come from you ask? Well I'll tell you: from the free food farms of course. There are farmers who love farming... and I'm sure that they could give away cows and vegetables for free since cows make more cows and vegetables grow out of the dirt for free.
I would like a free car too. I think BMW makes enough money selling real BMWs that they could give away Mini Coopers. I like Mini Coopers. I would like one for free.
While you're at it, please get the agencies to waive annual instructor fees and insurance companies to offer that liability coverage for free, OK? Thanks.
BTW, I don't know the answer to this but can someone tell me if surfing instructors need to be certified, and insured?