What got you started in diving?

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What was your motivation to get into diving? How did you get started and interested in diving? How old were you when you took your first open water course?

I was interested in diving since I was about 5 years old and got certified as soon as I turned 15, and I still can't get enough.

I wanted to start diving when i was 15 when i lived in Maine. but it was a bit too expensive. so it didnt happen.... and eventually i got over it...
when i was 17 and living down here, and had a part time job i put a deposit on a ow calss at a LDS. got the book. took the first class. but before i could do any water work i needed a waver signed by my father (who i was living with at the time)
he refused to sign it....hes kinada a dink.. well anyway thats another story....
so what can i do.. years later i started thinking about it again one spring.. on my way home i saw a dive shop... stoped and chatted with the guy for a few minnutes.. and signed up..
i loved it so much i dove with his calsses on the weekend towing the flag for air fils, and asap took the aow... and dove every weekend till i had enough dived for rescue.... and so on.... and i never stoped..... and still havent...
evety chance i got i was in the water.... and its still that way...
i like diving wrecks mainly now, but ill dive just about anywhere....
I really can't remember when the thought struck me.
Maybe it was watching Cousteau or something as a kid.
I have ALWAYS loved the ocean and water so it seemed natural for me.
What got me hooked was my beautiful girlfriend. It has been a dream of hers since she was a little girl, so for a graduation present from nursing school I signed us up for OW classes. Well the rest is history, I am hooked like a bass on a rubber crawdaddy. LOL I don't think I can thank her enough for this and the so many other things she has broght into my life........ :D
taking advantage of my location. I'm an avid beachgoer/swimmer and I sorta wondered what was underneath. Glad I took a peek.
A year ago, my husband and I took a trip to Hong Kong with our best friends. Georgina and I got dresses made while we were there, and when we came home, we wanted some fancy place to wear them. Dan's college was having a fund-raiser, a wine-tasting and auction, and he suggested going to it because it would be dressy.

It was a nice wine-tasting, with some superb Pinot Noirs out of the Sebastopol area. I really enjoyed them.

There was wine with dinner, too.

By the time they started auctioning things off, life was looking good. One of the auction items was a week-long trip to Australia, a place I have always wanted to go. They began with the reserve bid, which in my slightly overcheerful state seemed quite reasonable, and nobody bid. I turned to my husband and asked, "May I bid on it?" He sighed and said, "If you have to."

It was the only bid. I was shortly the possessor of a trip to Australia.

My husband's only tired comment on the way home was, "Well, if we are going to Australia, the Great Barrier Reef is there, and YOU HAVE FINALLY GOT TO LEARN TO DIVE." Sheepishly, I agreed.

We never dove the Great Barrier Reef (although we had wonderful diving in Australia), but I found myself completely hooked on diving.
After snorkeling in Thailand & Malaysia, I liked it so much I wanted to be able to stay underwater without frightening the fishes (and take better pictures without having to old my breath). I was 27 when I did my OW in the freezing-cold water around Montreal...

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