What do you like to eat for pre-dive and surface interval food?

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Oh boy...I usually try to eat an enegry bar of some sort beforehand..even if I'm doing evening dives (Our local quarry has wednesday night diving) just for a boost of energy..Gatorade is always on the menu! (water isn't a problem, I drink gallons of it everyday) Depending on what time of day I'm diving will dictate what I would eat....although for some reason, I've eaten some pretty wicked stuff during the surface interval! Last October at Dutch Springs (Allentown, PA) we had a bunch from the LDS go up, and one of the owners made a pot of wicked chili! We all got out alright though! (no accidents...but I didn't volunteer to open up anyones dry suit!)
I've learned my lesson with greasy breakfasts. First time on a dive vacation with my boyfriend in Roatan at Habitat, I made a pig of myself-there is a buffet breakfast and a huge pan of fatty greasy bacon-went all out on th bacon-I looooveee bacon- MarkFM warned me-but what does he know! He was eating a banana and toast. Anyway, on the boatride out I was feeding the fishes. Learned my lesson and will only have coffee and toast. Surface intervals- fruit, whatever is on hand on the boat. MarkFM and I would dive at Alexandria Bay-upstate NY, get a JReck sub during surface intervals. Also beef jerky-Oberto's is the best.

Before: I'm usually okay with anything as long as I don't overeat. But usually, typical breakfast foods.
SI: My favorite is Fritos Scoops, gatorade/caprisun (for a little sugar) fruity, and water. I have been on a few boats that offered sandwiches and that was pretty good too.
Ok, speaking from experience here... LOL (mine)

Breakfast I avoid heavy, greasy stuff usually (though I forget sometimes). Generally a cup of coffee, glass of water, 1/2 glass of juice and toast or english muffin. If I am adventuresome I'll have a couple pieces of bacon or some scrambled eggs.

Learned the hardway about pancakes and sausage. Also found out that too much juice makes for lots of stomach acid and definitely not good coming back up! :O

For some reason I can tolerate bananas with other foods but not by themselves, so while they are great sources of potassium to help prevent leg cramps, too many of them for breakfast or only a banana is not a good thing.

Surface interval we like fresh fruit but sometimes if it's not readily available or decent quality we go for those Dole Fruit Cups which are plenty good. Lots of water. I also like jellied candy, like those fake fruit slices too. Couple people in our group use the energy (carbo) gels like you get from REI -- I have to say some are decent enough, others blech... they've got tons of sugar and caffeine...

Lunch is usually subway or PBJ.

Dinner is anything and everything!... All-you-can-eat buffet owners be ware! :))
I get alot of reflux while diving so I stick to lots of water and saltine crackers. I acutally lose about a pound during a week long dive trip, despite the fact that I always eat pretty big for dinner.
Since I like the 8am dive I get up around 6am, get things going, and since I live at least 1500 miles from any warm/diveable salt water I'll be eating in a restaurant. So it's bacon and eggs for breakfast and a couple of Gatorades and a ham and Swiss cheese on rye takeout for SI. Everytime. Works for me.
Before the dive: something very light.
SI: ham sandwiches and fresh pineapple, prepared by my favorite dive hostess :D
Apres plonge: anything! LOL
Same here, something light and nothing acidic for breakfast
Water on the boat and a hearty sandwich after the dive

Here were some other thoughts
I like to eat lightly before a dive, maybe some cold cereal and a sweet roll.

After diving in Oahu with Justleesa, I'm very fond of kahlua pork sandwiches. Of course, I can't seem to find them anywhere.
Want the recipe? The version w/o vanilla :eyebrow: I could also fedex a container full (from Sams Club :wink: )

Fresh pineapple during the SI at Molokini Crater off Maui. Anyone know how they carve the pineapple there?

Some use something like this


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