What did you buy that you regret?

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What is DIR?

Do(ing) it Right.

I regret only two things so far.

1) I love my Sherwood Avid, but I wish I had bought a BP/W or backinflate BC like a Zeagle Ranger.

2) I liked my Veo 250, but should have bought an AI wrist computer.

I just recently sold my 250 and used some Father's Day favors to cash in for a VT3.

Don't have nearly enough money to get a true DIR tech setup, so instead of BP/W I will probably go still with a Zeagle ranger for Christmas. (If my wife is a good listener)
ScubaPro Air2. I never use it and it is awkward for sharing air.
Wow ... I can't believe I read the whooooole thing. The cumulative take from this thread for me is more valuable than any other thread I've read so far. Thanks to everyone that has contributed over the few years this thread has been around.
I just finished reading this entire 58 page thread. Thank you all for sharing your experience. This has been the most helpful thread I have read so far here on Scubaboard. Your comments have confirmed four things for me.

1. My first BCD will be a backplate & wing. I've already interrogated my LDS and have the parts on order.

2. I bought the wrong knife, UK Titanium Blue Tang, but I'll keep it for now.

3. I am not crazy. I hate my freaking snorkel. Thankfully I bought a folding travel snorkel. I will stay in a harness pocket until needed.

4. There is nothing absolutely wrong with used gear as long you are careful.
Mmmm...It's interesting how many people hate their Air2. I have a Genisis Gemini Air2 and yes it can be bulky at times but I do like it better than the octo. The thing with Air2 is this, you have to buy it for a different reason than most people think. I agree that as a buddy sharing device it's not the best. I bought my Air2 because it's just for me in case my primary fails (it is not for my buddy in an out of air situation).

What do I use then, simple...

I always dive with a 40 cuf. pony bottle with its own regulator and SPG. If any buddy needs air, they're getting that one. The Air2 is there as a fail-safe to a fail-safe for me and it's streamed lined. I couldn't imagine having an octo and the pony bottle reg. If you dive with a pony bottle, I say the Air2 is fine. If you don't dive with a pony bottle, get yourself a regular octo.

Though I've never tried it...my instructor says that when ALL ***** hits the fan and your buddy is too far away, you can actually suck out the last bits of air out of your bc to reach the surface quickly yet as safely as possible..........of course he's also said that if you put yourself in that kind of situation to begin with...........you deserve "it"....and by "it" he meant death.
Most of poor judgement is in the accessory category:
Crappy plastic housing wreck reel - used it 1 dive and hung it in the back of my dive locker.
2 mil vest hood - too much bother to strip down on surface intervals - (hanging next to the wreck reel.)
A variety of marker lights - have the original one from my first night dive, tossed the rest.
A snorkle collection - I somehow have a collection from finding them in the quarry. Although I didn't buy them, I keep them. I give them away when others need one.
Wrist slate - my handwriting is bad under normal circumstances

I've been very lucky with other equipment by researching and testing it before I buy it.
smart com...i hate having my comp connected to my HP hose

d-9 never worked right
Regret probably isn't the right word... I've got stuff I never use but that's because it no longer fits the bill. That said, I could probably deal without my original compass & spg setup and all of the silly clips and hooks which I bought for my computer when I passed OW and didn't know a thing about retractors. Luckily there's nothing big in the list but I suppose much of what I have today could end up there down the road. :D

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