i have tried to look at most of the posts in this thread as i find the topic quite interesting. i recently spent a little time with some of the key people involved with SSI and this arrangement with West Marine was mentioned.
it is not for me to speak for anyone at SSI of course, but i personally think perhaps the idea may be to tap a new market of the proper age and disposable income etc that may never have taken up the sport unless exposed to it through this kind of route. so if this is what will happen (who knows) then i don't see it taking any potential business away from the established dive shops. but it could add newcomers to the sport with a lot of extra money to spend, and that should be good for everyone in the area, as well as good for the shops/resorts in destinations these folks may travel to.
i also don't see this company (west marine) as one that would like to try and take over the entire market place by under cutting all its competitors etc. i would hope they see the better value is in selling good quality gear at fair prices, not selling anything they can for a bottom of the barrel mark up just because they can.
yes it does seem this may be a way for mares to get a boost but whats wrong with that. it's got to be better than forcing all current SSI dive centers to carry mares whether they want to or not ?? that would be a disaster.
just to maybe clarify a couple of points brought up in some posts...... SSI does offer "free" online materials for the academic sessions. and once registered they would be directed to an SSI facility in their area. so even if they are first exposed to the idea of scuba through WM, and perhaps even buy gear from them, it will still be their choice which lds or resort to use for their practical training. so my advise to any shops in these areas would be to step it up. bring your "A" game and realize that to acquire customers from this (hopefully new) demographic you will have to offer top notch service because that is what these guys and gals will demand. the up side is, you can charge accordingly.
also, SSI instructors do have to be affiliated with an SSI dive center or resort so they will not be able to use "independent" instructors. i have no idea how this "guardian scuba" fits in the big picture but as is usually the case, the best will succeed and the others will fail.
having a relatively solid grasp of the SSI philosophy, with them being so connected to the retail sales side of the scuba industry, i think this move only makes sense for them. whether it works out for the best for everyone involved is yet to be seen. hopefully there is enough to go around for everyone