Well Wishes for Kimber (TekDiveGirl)

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I went to see Kimber yesterday, didn't stay long because she was very tired after therapy.
She always puts out 100% , all her mind, body and spirit into each session ... sometimes it's a knock out, and sometimes it's a draw , but .... she always goes the 15 rounds and even if a draw, it just makes her want to kick more butt the next time :jump:

She is doing well and getting stronger .. it's a wonder to see the progress she has made :D
This thread has been a little quiet lately... So I'm sending out some good stuff to you! :sappy:

I haven't been posting in the "Getting Sweaty with the MOF Hotties" thread lately, but I have been running, lifting and riding my bike much more lately. Just before I start my workout, I think of TDG, and it makes my workout seem that much easier and it makes me push that much harder! Keep up the good work!
Keep sending us those great reports DB!

I look forward to your posts and learning more about how Kimber is doing. Thanks for keeping us informed.

You Rock Girl! Keep up the GREAT WORK! You are truly an inspiration.

H-the IslandCowgirl
It was really nice hearing from you Kimber and learning about your progress. Keep it going girl!!
remaining on patrol for any setbacks ....
Yep! Still keeping a close eye on how things are goin!:wink:
August 15, 2006

Hi Guys and Girls, I’m still around. The past few weeks have been just incredible for me. My rehab progress has taken off and the treatment of my residual medical issues is pretty much under control. This will be my last update from the hospital as they are letting me go home this week.

It’s been a little more than eleven weeks since I got hurt. I’ve gone from “dead on the deck” to interacting with the living and breathing again. It is a wonder what drive, determination, and medical magic can do. My daily routine for the past nine weeks has been to get up, get dressed, eat and “go to work” physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, recreational therapy, and medical maintenance. I went from not being able to move to now I can get out of bed put my brace on and walk to the bathroom and care for myself in a general way. I don’t use the wheel chair as much anymore. I prefer to walk when I can. But it’s not like you walk or how I used to. Besides, they were getting a little annoyed at me as I was scooting all over the place here! Anyway, I have built up enough strength and coordination in my ability to move around that it’s time for me to go home.

I still can’t use my right hand well at all but it has strength and is beginning to work. I still have trouble coordinating things when there are a lot of people around. Some cognitive things just don’t work yet but they are getting better. I still have trouble focusing and I get tired after a few hours of activity. My headaches are less and less but they still come back. I would love to tell you that I am up and running around like I was before but I am not. I still have a lot of work in front of me but I am going to WALK out of here this week like I had always wanted.

Last week I went to my house with Sue, my Mom, and one of the case workers here and we inspected my place to see what I would need to make it work for me. It did not take much mostly because I am on one level and it’s a small place. Sue and “the boys” (Tyler, and Chad) are moving things around for me, putting some of my big stuff in my mom’s garage and organizing the house so I can live there again. TJ will be moving in with me to take care of me when Sue is not around. It’s a challenge but I am up to it.

Next week after I get settled in my house I will begin out-patient therapy right in the same place I have been for the past nine weeks. Essentially I keep my same schedule but I no longer live there. My day will run from 9-330. What I call “going to work.”

I’m excited about leaving here and I am a little apprehensive. I still get scared of things and I get frustrated when I can’t do things that I think I should be able to. But I am working at it.

I should have my computer up and running when I am home but I don’t spend a lot of time on it because its difficult to use with only one hand. Though I am getting better at it.

I’m still trying to figure out money. I have some long term disability benefits from my job that cover about 60% of my small salary. My mom took care of my regular bills for a few months, and friends have been covering a lot of my day to day expenses. I have been holding off going into the recovery fund you all put together for me at till I got home. I expect I can stretch that about three months if I am careful. I can’t thank you all enough for all you have contributed and continue to contribute for me. It really helps keep my mind at ease. Sue has a small business plan she is working on for me that can help generate some income as well once I am out of rehab if I can’t go back to regular work, but that’s all for later.

Thank you again for all of your good wishes while I have been recovering. The new work begins now. Next time you hear from me it will be from home.

Love Kimber

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