Hey you, Mr. Please-Don’t-Let-Me-Be-a-Dork…we see you in your garage, ripping stickers off tanks and checking your gear config looking for anything that made the list of dorkness, obsessively reading this thread so you don’t pull any dork moves the next time you’re on a boat or at the beach. What you need to realize is, it’s not POSSIBLE to not be a dork. You’re either too young (nube), too old (fossil), too few dives (know-nothing) or too many dives (know-it-all), wrong dive philosophy, wrong technique, wrong equipment, drink too much beer or too much purple koolaid, your wetsuit’s too old or too new, or you’re just an all-purpose dork. There might be one or two divers on the planet who experienced moments of coolness, but even those were fleeting – maybe ten minutes out of their lives…then they passed into the world of dorkdom with the rest of us, for various reasons they can’t even identify. So stop worrying about others laughing at you and thinking you’re a dork, and accept that…well, yeah, they are. EMBRACE your dorkness. Stop obsessively posting to this thread to convince everyone you're in that ten-minute window (which right there puts you in the dork category no matter what). Wear your console with pride…clip a chicken to your D-ring…and get yerself underwater!