This AM was amazing at Vets. Clear, calm ankle slappers.
As we're gearing up, saw a Gray Whale making its way slowly up the coast - between the pier and the Sea Lion Buoy. I've never seen a Whale so close to shore, and surely never seen one at Vets.
It was a show stopper - everyone on the beach, the whale watching boat that just left the harbor, the divers... everyone with a pulse saw it. It blew several times, went under for about 5 minutes, came up, blew several more times then fluked RIGHT OVER THE SQUID EGGS.
We got in the water and motored out to 110, but never saw it.
When we came back up, we saw another one further south. Unreal.
What a perfect day. Swell reports... whatever. It was beautiful, flat, clear. More like week before last, and nothing like Wed or Thursday nights.
More later in the dive report.