Weekend Dive Reports - March 7th, 8th and 9th?

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Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
# of dives
100 - 199
Hi all. Anyone sharing any dive reports? I have added a link (working in embedding it) to my first (and fast) attempt at a video - a la Doc Wong style! :) Not the best, and the soundtrack isn't my favorite (although it works, in a weird way). I'll have my report and photos later, probably Monday.

REVISED: YouTube - Metridium Fields @ Breakwater Cove. Monterey, California

Hope everyone is well.
- Sarah
That was our first time on our own out there. 3rd time out total. Landed it just as we wanted.

As for the soundtrack - thanks. :) I was playing around with Windows Movie Maker to see its capabilities and my selection of MP3s is limited now that most through itunes are WM4 or something like that (which don't work Windows Movie Maker... :( ).
I did four dives on Saturday. Three for an OW class near the stairs on the way to the Metridiums. Vis was 20ish until the rototillers came through. The other dive was for an AOW student's navigation speciality to the Metridium fields. This guy is a sailing instructor, so we thought his compass skills were going to be good. We entered near the stairs and he navigated right to the metridium fields underwater without using the pipe. I think he passed. :wink: He didn't have enough air to return underwater though. I still had 2600, he was down to less than 1000.

One dive on Sunday at the "grey zone" of Point Lobos. Vis was 40ish and cold. Saw a few lingcod, a couple were big. Skipped the second dive because others were cold. The wind came up from out of nowhere in the afternoon.
Man, I was just informed that I have the date wrong on my video! Darn it. I'll change that this evening when home. :(

Sorry to hear that you all didn't get a 2nd dive in. Mark and I only did one as well given the coldness of the water. I checked out BT this morning, 46 minutes, but forgot to check the water temp. Yeah, I know, computers aren't always right. But I will say this - my feet never lie and they were C-O-L-D!
Man, I was just informed that I have the date wrong on my video! Darn it. I'll change that this evening when home. :(

Hey, if September 9 2008 is really gonna be that nice, I'll be sure to put it on my calendar; thanks for the heads up!:lotsalove:

Great video btw, it really shows off the patchy rock areas that the metridium grow off of!
nice video Sarah! looking forward to seeing you and Mark again Saturday!
OK, here's a brief summary of the Channel Islands weekend on Truth over 3/8-9. More to come on my blog later when I have time. Here's Anne just before we descended onto Underwater Island, south Anacapa on sunday, a truly stunning dive.


more photos at: channel_islands_march_08 Photo Gallery by Jeff Dooley at pbase.com

First the good news: Sunny and warm conditions with mostly flat seas, and best of all, there were less than 15 divers signed up for the trip. Truth is a little smaller boat than Vision or Conception, and having such a small number of divers made it feel like a private charter.

So so news: vis was generally the worst I've seen on the Channel Islands. Saturday on Santa Cruz we were getting no better than 20' and the next day on Anacapa, despite the stunning sites we visited, vis was maybe 40' at best. for instance, at Coral Reef, which we got to for the last dive Sunday after the current died down a bit, you could'nt see down the broad canyons to the south and west, but you could see to the 100' sand bottom off the south wall from about 40' on the wall.

Still incredibly colorful and varied terrain, sometimes rocky festooned with inverts, sometimes smooth and sloping and covered with a blanket of brittle stars.

Short version: OK on Saturday, phenomenal, despite marginal vis, on Sunday.

The best dive of the weekend was our second dive off the south of Anacapa just east of Coral Reef, a site called Underwater Island. This is where all the photos in the link above were taken. This site is an outcropping of rock in the form of a couple of very long (north-south) rock dikes rising out of about 60' up to about 20' at the tops. Along the east side of the main rock was a vertical wall running almost its entire length, with lots of little caves and holes and the most crowded festival of life all over the rock surfaces that I've ever seen. Corynactus, yellow sponges, spanish shawls, gorgonians, with lots of sea hares, limpets, cucumbers, and brittle stars everywhere around the bases of the rocks and up the little draws. Garibaldi were everywhere, along with treefish, and greenlings. We saw a big ling Cod sitting on a rock but as i turned to take a pic it wriggled away in a cloud of silt.

Earlier, at Deep Goldfish Bowl near the west end of Anacapa, where Anne and I had tagged along with the AOW deep divers, a harbor seal came up to us as we swam side by side and did corkscrew figure eights right in front of us for about 15 seconds before swimming right at me and veering off and away.

The small group on the boat was mainly customers, students, and an instructor from Pinnacles Dive Center in Novato/Santa Rosa. Most of us had at least met everyone else durint the week prior or during classes over the past few weeks. The agenda for the weekend included both OW completions and AOW, so it was very busy.

I managed 4 dives per day, though I elected to pass on the night dive at Blue Banks on Santa Cruz because I didn't like either the site or the conditions. It was on a relatively exposed point with the anchor off to the west in a direction likely to pick up current, and there was a brisk wind kicking up about a 2' wind chop. About a half dozen people did the dive and it was no problem, but I had a lot of fun opening beers while they were down there.

Another really great thing about this weekend was that Anne and I brought our own coffee.

Oh, and here's a pretty comical video of me cluelessly complaining about my camera after unwittingly switching it to the movie setting and being irritated that the strobe wouldn't go off.

YouTube - Channel islands Anacapa entry
Jeff, your photos are fantastic! I was going to pick one, but I really like them all. Favorites are the sunset and the garibaldi/hare/cucumber but I also love the britstars2. Those are GREAT!
Great pics Jeff! I really hope to dive Coral Reef again soon...I love that place! It's so funny, I just saw that woman in the divelog pic at the dive shop on Friday. She was really excited about the trip. I assisted her OW class, so it's great to see she's still excited about diving and continued on to get her AOW. I hope she didn't mind the cold water too much. :wink:

I can't get to YouTube at work, so I'll have to wait to watch your's and Sarah's videos when I get home.

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