Waterproof Mascara

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hhhmmmmm.... do i detect some..... BIAS??????


Gosh, I hope there are some :06: :06:
I just joined the board today and WOW ! I thought the question about mascara was from someone looking for a recommendation, not a social statement about sexism, beauty or woman's rights! Anyway, I have tried a lot of waterproof mascaras and the best one I have found is Maybelline's. Lancome and Estée Lauder have good ones, but Maybelline is just as good and much cheaper. And that is not meant as a socio-economic statement.

Funny I really did not want anyones advice on if I should. I was just looking for Waterproof Mascara suggestions!

Thank you and welcome!
This is my first time on this board, but this subject caught my eye. I just started diving and recently purchased a waterproof mascara that was cheap and worked really well. Try Physician's Formula Aquawear. It's about $4.00. Mine stayed on for 2 days!!!

Ok now I know some of you do not want or need the stuff but I like it.

I would like to know if anyone has found any truly waterproof mascara?
Scubababe and Scubaguy62, word of advice from someone who knows, this board does not support or like public display of support, affection, or appreciation by SOs.

Back on Topic: Waterproof Mascara

I have posted warnings of my Medusa hair and drowning cat look when diving because I don't put on my make-up to go diving. (I know I am a cross between tom-boy and Barbie. Hey I wonder if Mattel has considered -- Tom-boy Barbie. Heehee) However, I have jumped at the opportunity to do an unscheduled dive and worn make-up and been flogged here on this very board because I posted that I didn't want to do an OOA drill because I didn't want to get my mascara in my eyes -- that burns. So everyone's gonna voice opinions about diving with make-up and without.

I have tried waterproof mascara for various reasons, rainy days, weddings, televised or photographed competition involving any activity that could cause mascara to run and make a mess... etc. and I have found that Maybelline and Estee Lauder make great waterproof mascara. There is a definite price difference but performance is very close to the same. BUT, as stated before, you need to use a remover to get it off.

I will tell you that the other day, I went on a last minute dive and didn't have time to remove my make-up, I just wanted to go dive. I already had on Maybeline Wonder Curl Mascara not waterproof and I had used powdered eye shadow for eyeliner just like I usually do. I was very conscious about the possibility of having mascara running down my face so I did take my hands and wipe but I didn't have much on my finger when I did so. Once I finished my dive and left, I was surprised to find that my liner was still there and looking very good might I ad and I had on most of my mascara; and, if I had not wiped I probably would have had more on without a problem. I was surprised. I had gotten some sun the day before so my face looked sun kissed and my eyeliner and lashes were not washed away. And, my mask wasn't on the whole time. I had to start off warming up by swimming laps and during parts of the dive I had to do mask removal. At the time I really didn't care if I had raccoon eyes or not. I was diving and that's what mattered.

I will say this, I do think about safety first and I have "tested" my make-up in the shower to see if it is going to burn my eyes or be a safety hazard in the event I do a spur of the moment dive to make sure that I will not have a safety issue because of it. If it is a problem in the shower, I don't use it because safety is more important while diving than wearing makeup or worrying if the makeup your wearing looks good or not.


Maybelline runs anywhere from $4.29 - $6.79
Estee Lauder runs anywhere from $19.99 - $22.00
Gosh, I hope there are some :06: :06:

lol i know... you two ARE married :wink:

little itty bitty tiny joke... alas... lost in translation
Scubababe and Scubaguy62, word of advice from someone who knows, this board does not support or like public display of support, affection, or appreciation by SOs.

au contraire, mon frere... or soeur, actually... er...

we being a family-oriented board support people in their
love and affection for each other, whether they be
married or not... also, you may show affection for your
pets, plants, and even third cousins...

but the key words there are "family-oriented" :wink:
OK my dear,

I did an experiment this weekend. I put on Maybelline Waterproof Lash Expansion mascara and Maybelline Waterproof Lineworks Ultra-liner Saturday morning. I wore it all day, did two dives and it did NOT come off or run. But you do need a waterproof eye make-up remover to get it off. So there. If you are interested. Go get some and try it out. Not expensive really for what you are looking for. It really did work.

To me, it felt a little odd to go diving and come out with eye make-up on.

Suggestion though... if you are not used to putting on liquid eye liner, practice or you will look like a raccoon without going diving. Note, you can't blend it. Once you touch the eye liner to your eye it's where you touched. Hope that helps. R
I live on Long Island, and I've found a place here that offers eyelash tinting (I guess that's the same as dying) for $38. I've never tried this before, but I've been toying with the idea for a while. I think I'll give it shot before my trip to Bonaire this spring (provided I can get it done in brown - I'm a redhead and black eyelashes look incredibly stupid on me). It would be heaven to not have to mess with mascara!
I wonder if they have this in Savannah, GA somewhere. Anyone happen to know?

IMO = In My Opinion....you even quoted it...my opinion has not a thing to do with your 1st Amendment rights...actually, nothing on this board has a thing to do with your 1st Amendment rights....this is a private board, none of us have any rights here at all. We're all here at NetDoc's pleasure.

You were the one that started the sexist nonsense that women who don't wear makeup don't have men....how did you put it "IMO, and no pun intended, women who care not whether they look good before, during, or after a dive are usually either alone and bashing men, or not physically fit enough to care."

How did you think that comment enriched the conversation at all?

I appreciate you wanting to back up your wife....but she seemed to be doing fine on her own...stated her opinion without bashing anyone else or putting her foot in her mouth....I couldn't say the same about you.

IMO, you completely stepped over the line.

Well said.


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