On the other hand not all women feel uncomfortable with the thought of wearing mascara, make-up or what ever they want when they are diving.
Hello ladies, I'm going to take it for granted you would not mind a gentleman's opinion on this.
Scbababe, right on baby :10: :10: One more reason why I'm extremely lucky you're my wife, and why I love you!!!
IMO, and no pun intended, women who care not whether they look good before, during, or after a dive are usually either alone and bashing men, or not physically fit enough to care.
There is, IMO, an element of truth to melee's statement about "women who don't normally wear make-up are the ones who naturally look beautiful." On the other hand, is there anything wrong with women, even those who naturally look beautiful (like my scbababe), to somehow accent their beauty? I don't think so. When a woman takes pride in herself and her beauty, at all times and in any way, she brings credit upon herself and her femininity, notwithstanding the fact that she'll bring pride and joy to the man she's with. Call me vain if you must, but if you check my dry bag, you'll find my hairbrush and styling cream.