Waterproof Mascara

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Funny how a thread about mascara gets everyone's panties in a wad!

I wish I could dive this weekend with or without mascara!

Have fun be blessed and let the politicians argue!
Wow. I am sorry, but diving in cold water involves enough freaking gear as it is, I'm not about to powder my nose in the diver change room at the site.

I'm not a tomboy all the time, neither am I a girly girl... most of the time I wear at least mascara when I leave the house. I have naturally long eyelashes & like to accent them, but I really do not care about how I look after a dive when I know half the time there's a big honking piece of snot on my nose when I take my mask off.

I may not be the hottest scuba bunny, but I am reasonably fit & I know that I clean-up pretty well. And I know at least one male diver that agrees with me! And he knows that it's not about what is on my face, but what's under the drysuit that counts. heh heh. ;) I do take care of myself, I don't think the fact that I don't apply a little eye make-up before diving has anything to do with that. Are you a guy? Do you have any idea how much time & money it takes to even remotely "take care of yourself" as a woman? You must, your wife certainly sounds like she takes care of herself... I must give you credit for the fact that you acknowledge that doing so means time, effort & money.

And any guy that expects me to look pretty for him at all times is not going to get very far with me anyhow, so it works well.

I have no problem with anyone that feels the need to pretty up in order to dive. Don't really understand, cuz like I said, no one looks all that great with snot on their face, but whatever floats your boat. I do have a problem with someone accusing me of NEEDING make-up though or being so beyond hope it's not worth it... not really sure which was being shot for.
IMO = In My Opinion....you even quoted it...my opinion has not a thing to do with your 1st Amendment rights...actually, nothing on this board has a thing to do with your 1st Amendment rights....this is a private board, none of us have any rights here at all. We're all here at NetDoc's pleasure.

You were the one that started the sexist nonsense that women who don't wear makeup don't have men....how did you put it "IMO, and no pun intended, women who care not whether they look good before, during, or after a dive are usually either alone and bashing men, or not physically fit enough to care."

How did you think that comment enriched the conversation at all?

I appreciate you wanting to back up your wife....but she seemed to be doing fine on her own...stated her opinion without bashing anyone else or putting her foot in her mouth....I couldn't say the same about you.

IMO, you completely stepped over the line.

Tell you what, I live with, and fully support three bright and beautiful ladies, my wife, and my two daughters; the three of them are the love of my life, my life centers around their lives, and they all love me unconditionally. I invite you to ask them if I'm sexist.

I'm not going to disrespect my wife, or myself, by defending a fallacious implication. If the reason why it's being inferred that I'm sexist is my opinion on this board, or perhaps my gender, and you can honestly tell me that you've NEVER, at any point in your life, have referred to men as "dogs," or any other of those colorful remarks I often hear women say, I will offer an engraved apology to every woman on this thread.

Until then, here have an ice cream :icecream1
Tell you what, I live with, and fully support three bright and beautiful ladies, my wife, and my two daughters; the three of them are the love of my life, my life centers around their lives, and they all love me unconditionally. I invite you to ask them if I'm sexist.

I'm not going to disrespect my wife, or myself, by defending a fallacious implication. If the reason why it's being inferred that I'm sexist is my opinion on this board, or perhaps my gender, and you can honestly tell me that you've NEVER, at any point in your life, have referred to men as "dogs," or any other of those colorful remarks I often hear women say, I will offer an engraved apology to every woman on this thread.

Until then, here have an ice cream :icecream1

I held off answering this....but you seem to have a couple misconceptions about my opinion. I don't care who you live with, I really don't even care if you're a sexist or not. If you'll re-read my posts, I never called you a sexist.

The only thing I called you was immature...and you've just continued to prove that to me in your posts on this thread.

I do believe your original remark was sexist....but didn't even bring that up till you mentioned "not wanting to make this a sexist issue".

I'm not going to say that I haven't sat with girlfriends over a bottle of wine and say we haven't uttered the words "men are dogs" and had a laugh....but, I certainly didn't post it in a "Men's Views" forum online and expect everyone to applaud my opinion.

IMO what you did was worse than just throwing away a joking comment while sharing a drink with friends...my understanding of your statement is that you don't believe women have value to men as SO's unless they use makeup. BTW....the reason I said immature instead of sexist....is that generally, the men that I have known have grown out of this way of thinking back in High School and early College years.

Now, I'm not looking to waste anymore of anyone else's time (including mine). If for some reason you really feel like you want to reply to this....go ahead and PM me....I'm not promising an answer though.

Sorry for the highjack dive4funoften...check the beginning of the thread for a mascara I've found that is great underwater.
I wasn't going to post but, I must. Ive been with the same man for 17 yrs, and not all of those 17 years have I wore make up,Why? Because I didn't have time to put it on,I now have a 15yr old son.Im 45 and some say I look like Im in my 30's,I was a child in the 1960's a teenager in the 1970's I have always had the attitude who cares Its my face. Im not an ugly woman but,I don't think I would win a beauty contest either.And I love getting my kisser tanned in the Summer and love the way my face looks when tanned and only wear mascara and eyelinner. Now a days I take time to do Mascara and eyeliner before I leave the house,I don't do eye shadow or blush because honestly Im too lazy to do any more than that. And I love Cover Girl's waterproof mascara,I have very little racoon eyes,ive tried other stuff but my eye get very sore,I end up going back to Cover Girl.This is just my oppinion and Im sticking to it. have fun,Turtle gal
OKOK.. wasn't tryint to stir up anythin.. sorry about that.. I am proud of being a tomboy, and I have only worn make-up once at my bro's wedding<foundation :P> As for the water proof mascara.. heh.. covergirl make some.. but I don't know how good it is.
It's not about insulting men or women to the utmost degree. We need to respect each other's opinions, even if we disagree.

Thanks again, Curious Me, for the stand-up comments!!! Bravo!!!

With all that being said.. Regarding the comments made by scubaguy62 (my hubby/buddy). I'd like to go on record and say that although this is a womens forum many men respond to it. "Nothing wrong there!!.." However, as for his reply it was an opininon . And as opinions go, he is entitled to his however it may sound to some.

CuriousMe,as a female am I glad you are on our side!!! By the way were you a litigation attorney in a past life? ;)

And for the record he really is very sweet.... :dazzler1:
I just joined the board today and WOW ! I thought the question about mascara was from someone looking for a recommendation, not a social statement about sexism, beauty or woman's rights! Anyway, I have tried a lot of waterproof mascaras and the best one I have found is Maybelline's. Lancome and Estée Lauder have good ones, but Maybelline is just as good and much cheaper. And that is not meant as a socio-economic statement.
And for the record he really is very sweet.... :dazzler1:

hhhmmmmm.... do i detect some..... BIAS??????

With all that being said.. Regarding the comments made by scubaguy62 (my hubby/buddy). I'd like to go on record and say that although this is a womens forum many men respond to it. "Nothing wrong there!!.." However, as for his reply it was an opininon . And as opinions go, he is entitled to his however it may sound to some.

Nothing wrong with everyone participating....but anyone who posts is responsible to know their audience, or listen to the consequenses.

Nothing wrong with opinion.... everyone else in the thread had one about what they do and why....the opinion I had a problem with made a judgement (and put a lower value) on what other people chose to do....of course anyone can have an opinion like that....but I felt the need to share my opinion about that opinion :crafty:

CuriousMe,as a female am I glad you are on our side!!! By the way were you a litigation attorney in a past life? ;) :

LOL...no, but while I was growing up my parents swore that I'd be one :D

And for the record he really is very sweet.... :dazzler1:

I'm glad you're so obviously happy together...I wish you every continued happiness.


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