Do you remember anything specific about what helped you overcome other fears in the past? Fear is a very personal thing even when it's common. My weird thing is I like reading about dive accidents to learn what not to do; it actually reassures me. But that doesn't seem to be the case for most people.
I can see where that would help; knowledge is power. As for overcoming fears in the past, well, it was two things really. First, as cliche, sappy or whatever you want to call it, as it sounds, I got through them because my BF gave me the positive vibe and reassurance I needed to get through them. He's pretty even tempered, and self assured, and I knew he had me. He's safe, I'm safe. These were things he wanted to do, and I wanted to do them with him. The second thing, was that I spent most of my life being afraid to try things that scared me; I think I finally got tired of being afraid of everything, and missing out. Some things, I didn't really get over the fear, per se, but just looked past it, like the paragliding. It didn't even occur to me to be afraid, as I was putting on my harness. It wasn't until I ran off the cliff and thought "OhmyGodOhmyGodOhmyGod"! Until I was looking at the view. still fearful, and I kind of wanted to vomit, but I was 3000ft up, it was a little late to worry about it, and I knew I was ok.
I think the fear with diving (now that I have felt what using the regulator feels like), is the "what ifs", and the fact that if the "what ifs" happen, I am trapped. I can't just spring to the surface, and fix whatever is going on.