Vytek vs NiTek3

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I must say I found it very easy to use. I especially liked the Saturation graph - I guess the right side of the ascent bar could be moved to a different screen giving more room.

There has also been comments about the buttons and them being too easy to turn on - I would have to say the oposite. After seeting up the gas mixes my fingers are always sore with the amount of pressure they need.

Also comment about their size - in warmer water it may seem overkill. Remember where this comes from the water is a tad colder there and thick gloves are often common.

Just my 2 yen

The buttons definately don't operate too easily.. My hands were sore after trying to enter the damn Pin code... This computer should definately come with a computer interface and software standard, no extra charge which it doesn't.. It would make programming the computer much easier since its not the easiest coimputer in the world to program, but it is manageable once you are familiar with the unit...

I just wished the unit had a larger screen since the case can take one.. if they were going to use such a small display they should have made the computer smaller. I also hope they fix my 2 main complaints, 1 - being able to shut off deep stops when necessary so you don't get the damn "use tables" message as often, and 2 fix the major error when running in PO2 mode and the calculated PO2 of the diluent is higher than the actual setpoint.. The computer uses the calculated PO2 not the actual!!
hopefully they will have fixed that one by the time I use a rebreather - have you told them? I get the impression they are quite open to this?

I only had the use tables once - but that I think is user error. I knew I had a deep stop to do but did not spot that I was above it with 20 seconds to go - only a couple of metres - I went like a bat out of hell to try and make it below in time but to no avail!!

This may sound strange because I only had to lose a metre or so in 20 seconds but when you are in the middle of the flight deck of the Saratoga not so simple.........

I also had a strange deco stop where I lost all my deco obligation from the last deep stop. Fortunately I had checked it, I had tables and divers all round me who had dived a similar profile - the unit is now back at Delta-P. I wait to hear what they found.


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