Vytek vs NiTek3

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Freelton & Tobermory, Ontario, Canada
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5000 - ∞
Since I drove (yes, drove, not dove...)over my Aladdin Pro;-0 on the weekend, I am in the market for a new computer. My buddy uses a Nitec3 from Dive Rite and is pretty happy with it. A shop suggested the Vitek has comparable features for 1/2 the price. I intend to use the gas switching capabilities.

Do any of you have experience with both computers? The Vytek is getting some good reviews on this board, but I'm interested in a comparison.

Is it easy to read in low viz? Easy to operate with gloves etc.?

Any help would be appreciated.

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I dove mine for the first time last weekend and while I hesitate to use the expression 'quantum leap,' it is a significant improvement over the Nitek 3. To be brief, the display is more legible, the unit is much smaller and of lower profile, and the menu system is easier to use.

In general, if you have used and like the Cobra or Vyper, you will like the Vytec. If you hate those computers, you will not like the Vytec.

In answer to your questions, the lowest viz I found myself in was about 15' and the display was easy to read. I had no trouble pushing the buttons with 7mil gloves on.
Thanks John. I have been using Aladdins for years and, while they keep me "unbent", I have found them difficult to read at times.

I gather that this is a brand new unit. Does the SUUNTO stuff tend to hold up pretty well, in your experience?

I've used the Nitek during my Deco Procedures class, and found that compared to my Genesis React, it was a marked improvement. Mostly in the display of data (the Genesis you have to "flip" screens to get different bits of needed data, where the Nitek had it all on the main screen.

Now that I have had my official introduction into Tech diving, one thing about computer selection that I'm holding to that I'd like to share is that to me, seeing graphs showing BOTH my O2 and N2 loading on the main display is important.

The Nitek does this. And based on what I saw in the Vytek demo, I don't think it does (unless I missed it. If I did, please correct me).

I'll close that my time/experience with the Nitek3 was very limited and I did not do any gas switching "on it". It was used just as a basic single mix Nitrox computer since the purpose of the class was to teach us how to plan and execute a dive per printed tables.

Someday I would like to have the chance to play (before I pay) with a Vytek so I can see for myself what it's capable of and how it stacks up to the D-R Nitek3
Hey Texas Mike...

Thanks for the input. I just sent the Vytek demo link to my buddy that uses the Nitec3 and asked him to compare the features. I'll report back when I hear from him...

Thanks for the info on the Vytec; am currently considering buying one as well.

Was wondering if anybody out there has used the OMS VR3. I know only one person who has, and he had good things to say about it. Has anyone on this board used both? Comparisons greatly appreciated, on functions and price and anything else you can think of.
I used to use the nitek 3 exclusively due to its ability to use 3 mixtures and a guage mode.. My main reason for stoping use was that I started diving a RB so I had to look for alternatives.
The nitek 3 is pretty solid and reliable, just the display is a bit small and if you use heavy gloves it takes a bit of getting used to when making gas switches.

I didn't like the vytek..

I currently use the following
ABysmal Trimix (primary)
VR3 backup to abysmal on trimix dives
COchran commander constant po2 (backup to abysmal on nitrogen "only" based dives)

I also ran over a dive computer (with a jeep GC).. my cochran if fell off the hood of my car and I didn't realize it.. No damage at all was done to the computer(the display probably would have been scratched if not for the lens protector).. I'd say its pretty solid considering the weight of my vehicle..

If you only do 2 gas switches the cochran is great, you program it for your bottom and deco gases and it switches automatically.. It has a great display (almost as good as the Abyss) but doesn't have a manual switch mode...
tried the Nitek 3 baught the VR3 (Delta-P by the way out of the UK but marketed by OMS in the States with a paint job).

VR3 is the closest to a real computer under water. If you've forgotten to set your mixes before descending not a problem you can do it on the fly under water. Recently on holiday I saw two Nitek 3 users that could have done with this feature - mainly because for some reason the Nitek resets at midnight. Why?

Originally posted by padiscubapro
I also ran over a dive computer (with a jeep GC).. my cochran if fell off the hood of my car and I didn't realize it.. No damage at all was done to the computer(the display probably would have been scratched if not for the lens protector).. I'd say its pretty solid considering the weight of my vehicle..

Man, I thought I had had a unique experience. I rolled over my Aladdin with a Yukon, then my boat trailer... in total about 11,000 lbs. If I could get the grass and gravel out of the display, I though I might send it back under warranty and tell them it imploded on a really deep dive!

Thanks for the info on computers, all. I had forgotten about the Cochrane stuff, so I'll look into that as well...

Saw a VR3 demo at the NSS-CDS convention. It looked like a solid unit. I'm gonna wait until I can download MP3's and jam on deco using the VR3. That's the next logical step, right?

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