VR3 first Impressions

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Just picked it up :D yep ones stiffer than the other, but they seem to move alittle up & down as well hope this is normal :confused: .
Originally posted by Rickoz
Just picked it up :D yep ones stiffer than the other, but they seem to move alittle up & down as well hope this is normal :confused: .

Yea, it does seem to be normal. Only thing I can suggest is that we all try to be careful and push straight!

During my trimix class I had to use tables so I again managed to put my VR3 in "use tables" mode by violating it's deep stop. This was expected and it gave me a chance to compare VR3's "best guess" deco to tables.

The result was close BUT I found that in "use tables" mode the VR3, while it otherwise seems to operate normally, will not prompt for gas switches. It leaves you on back gas, and computes for back gas, for the entire deco.

This is not mentioned in the manual (that I can find) and is, in my opinion, not a good feature.

The VR3 gives a deep stop on every dive, at least every deep dive. This makes it very hard to dive with divers who are using tables as it splits the team unless either the table diver(s) are willing to do a 2 minute deep stop or the VR3 diver(s) are willing to go into "use tables" mode (bad for the reasons listed above). Personally I feel that the VR3 profile, with the deep stop, is safer.

The one table that I've found to be pretty compatible with VR3 is the one generated by V-planner which gives the deep stops. GUE decoplan starts it's stops shallow in comparisum. Yesterday we did a 260' 18 minute dive, first stop by V-planner was 180, first stop by deco plan was about 140. I didn't dive the VR3 but I believe it would have give a stop at 180 or maybe even deeper.

I must admit I did not notice that when I put mine in "use tables" mode - I am pretty sure it did the deco calculations for what gases I had.

Probably something to take up with Delta-P - maybe you need a s/w upgrade....

My VR 3 has failed twice on me so it is headed back to OMS. Went for a deco dive with air/50%/100% and the screen went blank.....nothing....Then to top it off...my buddy which has a VR3 if went wacko also. It was saying use tables because he/we blew a deco stop. We did not....the first deco stop was at 40 feet and it went into table mode when we were at 55 feet.

Mine just went blank and then when I finally came to the surface (2 hours later) it then completely reset to the factory default setting (metric, with a million gasses loaded). What really pissed me off was I did not have even a depth gauge. This has been the second time it has failed on me so I will have OMS get me a new one. I will try the new one BUT IF IS FAILS AGAIN..... no more VR 3. I will now dive with my vyper in gauge mode for a while until the VR 3 has not failed on me.

Here is a run down on the issues I have had on my VR3:

1. Computer complete reset during a gas load from computer.
2. Computer goes nuts during a OW class (says I am at 45 feet and in waaaay into deco) I was only 18 feet for about 1/2 hour.
3. Eats a brand new Engerizer Lithium battery in one week (and not even diving with it)
4. Complete shutdown blank screen during deco dive.

I will keep you all informed what happens next.....
Got mine back in the water this weekend and it performed flawlessly.

A couple of things I have noticed that will make it easier to use are:
1) display SI time - cause I'm lazy and don't want to work it out
2) display temp on log - it does whilst you are diving, bet it does with the computer download
3) make the ascent monitor more visible.

Other than that I love it.

Originally posted by Jonathan
Got mine back in the water this weekend and it performed flawlessly.

A couple of things I have noticed that will make it easier to use are:
1) display SI time - cause I'm lazy and don't want to work it out
2) display temp on log - it does whilst you are diving, bet it does with the computer download
3) make the ascent monitor more visible.

Other than that I love it.


1. Have not found it..
2. Nope not on the computer download
3. Never really been a problem...I figure if you are willing to spend 1k on a computer you should have dove enough to know your ascent rates....
Yep, me too. I'm sending mine in to have the left button replaced :(

1. Have not found it..

Log book tells you dive start time and dive time from that you can extrapolate the SI - pain in the a** but doable......
Hi all vr3 owners.
I was on a livaboard two weeks ago diving some wrecks:) using the vr3:), I allso taken my laptop so i could download the dives.

Ok this is what happend, did 6 dives then tried to download, would not, tried several times then vr3 would not turn off so I removed battery & lost all the dives i'd done.

Lucky my bottom timer works :D

My question is how do you download,
can't contact the UK wrong e-mail address on web site;-0

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