Vote for ScubaKevDM

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As the Main Sponsor of this event, I must inform all the ScubaBoard Participants that Voted for Kent Metz are being disqualified for the following reasons.

Under the rules and regulations section section 3, paragraph 4, line 8 that scuba board users are not qualified as TRUE DIVERS therefore they cannot vote for a professional diver that has acquired the knowledge of leading novice divers in the coastal waters of southern Florida.

Under section 4, paragraph 8, line five that Internet self promoting is not allow since true divers are never dry enough to type on a electronic device such as a window O/S or Mac O/S Device. Promoting one-self in this manner my lead to electrocution by moisture.

Just kidding...I think this is great....Happy Voting..... and thank you to all ScubaBoard Members....

And even though this is Florida, we will not be doing a recount.....

Good one! You had me going. Thankfully it was a joke otherwise your server would have crashed tomorrow with the on slaught of e-mails.
Dude, you had me going... for the first couple of lines of your post. I was wondering what the heck could have made a vote be disqualified while reading into your response.

But all kidding aside, I don't know if you know Kevin Metz or not but this is a guy who's has worked very hard diving as a Divemaster for years with another charter, then bought his own boat and started his own business. His incredible customer service is unmatched by any dive operator out there. Anyone who has dived on Kevin's boat with him leading a dive has had some of the longest and best led dives you can get out there.

He takes good care of his customers trying hard to please every one of them which is very hard to do. I hope that everybody out there who comes across this post would please place a vote for him and come by Boynton Beach and take a dive on Underwater Explorers and see what I mean.
That Dive Chronicles guy is such a card!!!

I hear the Chipster might be diving on his boat soon. It's business, you know. :).

BTW, I am sitting on his dock right now, sipping on mt Sencha tea and typing on my CrachBerry.

Posted via Mobile Device
By PM I hear letters of recommendation will be announed in October:

Re: South Florida Dive Professional of the Year


This will be in October, we will be announcing it.

Originally Posted by scubadada
Hi Dive Chronicles,

When will information regarding the letters of recommendation be available and where will it appear?

Great contest, thanks in advance for the information.

Good diving, Craig
As the Main Sponsor of this event, I must inform all the ScubaBoard Participants that Voted for Kent Metz are being disqualified for the following reasons.

Under the rules and regulations section section 3, paragraph 4, line 8 that scuba board users are not qualified as TRUE DIVERS therefore they cannot vote for a professional diver that has acquired the knowledge of leading novice divers in the coastal waters of southern Florida.

Under section 4, paragraph 8, line five that Internet self promoting is not allow since true divers are never dry enough to type on a electronic device such as a window O/S or Mac O/S Device. Promoting one-self in this manner my lead to electrocution by moisture.

Just kidding...I think this is great....Happy Voting..... and thank you to all ScubaBoard Members....

And even though this is Florida, we will not be doing a recount.....

NOT FUNNY!!!!! :no:

But, at the same time, too funny! :rofl3: Sure you don't want to just end the contest now, as you can see that it is No Contest. :wink:
Assuming this is legit, and it appears to be, I can think of no DM in South Florida that even comes close to beating Kevin of Underwater Explorers out, cast your vote for him: Vote for Kevin

If you haven't clicked the link and voted, what the hell are you waiting for?
If you haven't clicked the link and voted, what the hell are you waiting for?

Also, you can vote every 7 days. I just voted again.
I made my second vote for him today.

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