paulWHINE:<sniffs pits> Is it me? Why are all these people cancelling? This is the single greatest gathering Of SB'ers in the PonceDeLeon area this weekend!
don't worry bud, I am going. even fixed my truck. see you there
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paulWHINE:<sniffs pits> Is it me? Why are all these people cancelling? This is the single greatest gathering Of SB'ers in the PonceDeLeon area this weekend!
mike_s:Well, I've got a pretty decent excuse. My wife is about to pop-out a brand new junior dive buddy for me any day now! (of course it'll be many years before he's old enough to dive.... but I can hope!)
photohikedive:what is really sad, is he is the one who started the thread.
ok, I am off, heading to VORTEX!!!!!!!
mike_s:EDIT: PS... don't forget your "I'd rather be snorkeling" bumper sticker