Vortex Question and Answer

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There have been several people in my dive club extolling the virtue of the "free" dive at Doc's place. Here is some food for thought on the subject that I emailed them:

Dear All,

Vortex used to be very over-priced, poorly kept up, and poorly run. The place was sold with the intent to make money for Doc and a small provision was made for his family to continue to run the place for about five years. Several incidents happened and the family members were fired (the new manager will not elaborate, as it should be). The local take on things is that there was good reason for the firing. There is a feud going on between Doc and the new management due to the firing. The feud will only hurt diving there in the future. Doc is not acting right over this and I don't want to be part of his plan to ruin the "new" Vortex. I will not participate by keeping money from the new management that could help them improve the place. The new management has taken a look at the prices and brought them in line with what it should be. They need money to improve the place and it's the right thing to do to support them. It is legal to dive for free on Doc's side of the fence, but I don't think it is in the best interest of improving the place for divers. This feud is for Doc, not us. The new management is trying to run a business that benefits the diver, did Doc do that in the last few years? Is Doc fighting to improve the place for us? I am not a Vortex "lover". It is a secondary dive plan for me but the place does serve a purpose. Vortex is worth supporting in my opinion. I would encourage everyone to think twice about the "free" ride at Doc's place and the future of diving there. If Doc succeeds in closing the business, we will have redneck heaven again and Doc will be back with high prices and a poor product.

Thanks for your time, Bill
Interesting. I will be trying it for the first time during Vortoberfest. Since the price has come down, It makes more sense now.
There have been several people in my dive club extolling the virtue of the "free" dive at Doc's place. Here is some food for thought on the subject that I emailed them:

I've got to agree with Seayoda's thoughts.

I haven't dove vortex since the price went up to $32, but at $19 (with air fill) I think it's much more reasonable now.

It appears that the new management of Vortex is attempting to make Vortex a better place for divers. We should support that effort. If we don't, it will close and places like Morrison will be so over-run with open water classes that you won't be able to see 3' of vis. Also, it's a close place to Morrison for air fills that many might need.
If Doc succeeds in closing the business, we will have redneck heaven again and Doc will be back with high prices and a poor product.
And that, my friends, is the bottom line.
Shane thanks for being so upfront.... We ( the dive shop I teach out of ) used to go there all the time, but they wouldn't give our shop any breaks on the price, even though we were bringing in a large amount of students each month. I will put a bug in the owners ear and feel him out since there are new prices. I like going there, it's a one stop certification shop !!!!

I would love to see you guys come back out. We have had a lot of support since the price drop. I only hope that it continues. Let me know if you need any more info, or even if I need to call up there to introduce myself. Thanks again :)
Good job on the website. Some of the original wording was less than clear.

Do you have any plans for the cave? Maybe remove some of the,errr....... improvements ?

I have only been to Vortex once (first day of cavern course) At the time I was underwhelmed by the experience. Seems like its going in the right direction now though.

I do not like all of the manmade training caves in the basin. I will probably start another thread to get votes on whether I should remove them. I think the basin would look a little more natural without them. As for the cave, as soon as I get the third restriction pumped out I will remove the green pipe from after the gate.

I like the wording changes on the website regarding the overhead environment. You're still going to give the key to the gate to certified cave divers aren't you?

The key will always be available to certified cave divers. I am changing the lock and puting in a stainless steel cable to help secure it even more.

What is the staus of improving the water clarity? I have heard that it is still cloudy in the spring. Is this true or just rumor?

We have had a lot of hard rain lately and it has caused the water to get somewhat milky. I have pumped out a lot of water over the last few days and the water looks great now. You would not believe the work I have to put into keeping this place clean.

Shane.... on your website it says:

This (Vortex) Panhandle diver paradise is "the Mecca of dive training" says Southern Diver Magazine.

Where can you find this magazine. I think I've heard of it before but I've never actually seen it. A Google search of "Southern Diver Magazine" has only a few hits and most them are references to Vortex.

anyone else seen this magazine before? I'm interested in seeing it.

I have no idea, that quote is actually off of the original website.
There have been several people in my dive club extolling the virtue of the "free" dive at Doc's place. Here is some food for thought on the subject that I emailed them:

I have also heard that doc has now started a couple of dive clubs just so he can offer his free diving. I will also say that doc does not pay for any support costs of the spring and he also does not have bathrooms on his side of the fence. I will not allow anyone who dives for free to use any of my facilities ie. dive shop, bathrooms, airfills, or docks. If you have to go potty, it is a long 4 miles to the Tomthumb.
have they smoothed out the dirt road into Vortex? it was so wash-boarded last time that I think I chipped a tooth riding down it.
I try to keep up with it, but with all the rain we had lately we cant keep up with it. I am taking bids on possibly paving it so we don't have to worry about this anymore. I try to use the grader on it at least twice a week but we can't use the grader when it is wet. We are trying our best.

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