I'm trying to figure out what I can attach to the anchor line that will serve as a visual reference while switching gases, etc. I'm imagining some kind of giant clothespin, but haven't seen any products that seem like they would work. Anyone have any suggestions?
The procedure I teach is to get neutral when you arrive at your gas switch depth, you’ll be looking at your computer to arrive there already, the buddy/team is your reference, one can hold the stop and be the reference while at the same time watching/validating the buddy gas switch, so, check depth and match that to cylinder MOD, do gas switch (won’t detail procedure here) and last step before reg goes in your mouth is check depth one last time, all of this is less than 1 minute to perform.
If you’re having that much buoyancy problem, depth variation, that’s a much more pressing issue to resolve than visual reference, not trying to be mean, but honestly, solving that, would automatically eliminate the visual reference problem, even for those that solo it.
All of my technical training has been in Florida caves, so deco in open water is pretty new for me. It seems like attaching a temporary reference to the line would be easier than constantly keeping one eye on my computer, but if this is a bad idea, I'm happy to hear why.
It is a bad idea, if that’s what you’d be dependent on, you’d be left without resources if/when the anchor line is taken away, which can happen often here in Florida, I’ve seen it come lose before it was intended to a few times, and many times we prefer to do hot drops and drift deco, so no anchor line at all. On drift deco you’d have your SMB up on a reel, so that can be a reference, but again, whats the plan if you have a problem with it, or current is ripping? Not being dependent on a visual reference is a better strategy imo.