Does the trained guy? I took an inspection course once, a lot of the participants were mistaking tool marks for SLC and never got corrected. And most of us have heard enough crazy stuff from trained inspectors to suspect that a certificate from a tank inspection agency does necessarily make someone competent to inspect tanks.
Tank inspection was easy in the days before SLC. You just looked for water, oil, rust or big pits/holes/dents. If one just made a point of erring on the side of caution, anyone could do a decent inspection. SLC raised the stakes, in that now we had a serious possible problem that would not jump out and hit you on the head. For that reason, I've come to believe that it would have been better if we'd gotten rid of all the 6351 tanks right away, just to keep inspection simple. But the genie is not likely to go back in the bottle, so I think eddy current testers and all those prism and magnifying gadgets will still be with us long after the last 6351 tank they were made to inspect has gone to the smelter.
My biggest beef with the tank inspection agency courses is that I just don't think they are long enough to allow someone with no previous experience to learn to reliably inspect tanks. This was not a problem when the courses were being marketed only to dive professionals, who would be working in a shop environment and be somewhat familiar with tank before taking the course, and usually have someone more experienced to mentor them afterwards. It can be a problem now that the courses are being aggressively marketed to individual divers, who then go home and inspect tanks more or less in vacuum, with little chance for correction of any misconceptions they may have brought back from the class.
The good news is that, from what I have seen, the undertrained inspector is more likely to reject a good tank than pass a bad one, so overall safety probably doesn't suffer too badly. But as Luis says, a lot of perfectly good steel 72s probably get trashed for naught.
Food for thought.
Does the untrained guy know what to look for when inspecting a tank for defects ?\