Very strange thread -- would you dive with me?

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In the last week, I've had three different people tell me that they were glad to have finally gotten to dive with me, because previously they were afraid to.

Afraid to? Afraid to dive with ME? Good heavens.

But now I'm beginning to understand why I keep offering to dive with new divers and nobody takes me up on it.

Would YOU dive with me? And if not, why not?

Normally, you'd be too far away. But, 3rd week of March I'll be in Eugene Oregon. If you can meet me in that area (probably Florence over on the coast), I'd be glad to dive with you.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but I feel that THIS thread is strange. Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of your posts and enjoy reading them more than any other on this board, but I've never met you. So, how can I answer your question? I might as well ask, "Would you dive with ME?" But why would I, given that we've never met. That said, of course I WOULD love to meet you and I hope we will sometime. But that is completely separate from the "To dive or not to dive with" issue.
Perhaps I'm missing something, but I feel that THIS thread is strange. Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of your posts and enjoy reading them more than any other on this board, but I've never met you. So, how can I answer your question? I might as well ask, "Would you dive with ME?" But why would I, given that we've never met. That said, of course I WOULD love to meet you and I hope we will sometime. But that is completely separate from the "To dive or not to dive with" issue.

I don't find it that strrange.

In my mind I have placed SB posters into their proper place in my Would/Would Not dive lists. (as I'm sure others have done with me)

It might not be right, but its there.

Initial impressions can be strong things.
Absolutely NOT! That avatar is scary :D
I already answered above, saying that I would love to dive with you. I'm a new diver, and I like competence and precision, so when I get the idea that that's the way you dive, it makes me want to dive with you.

That said, I hear the folks who have mentioned your avatar and screen name. Especially the avatar. I'm not a Star Wars person, so although I had a vague idea it might have come from something like that, I didn't know for sure. And to my mind, it definitely gives you a superior, confident, air. That is, the opposite of approachable, warm, and "friendly girl next door."

Now I kind of like that, because I often feel that women especially are encouraged *not* to be too confident or direct, whether or not they would naturally be that way. So in that way I had been thinking that it's really neat that you let that side of yourself show (i.e. you don't try to hide or minimize it).

On the other hand, you've gotten the impression that maybe some new divers find you intimidating, and I have a feeling that would not be the case (or at least much less) if you had a smiling, friendly looking avatar. Either of yourself or of something else (puppy, kitten :wink:). Your posts would still let your competent and articulate self shine through.

Someone else asked why the avatar matters: It doesn't, except for the fact that you are thinking that some (especially new) divers may be put off from wanting to dive with you, and perhaps your avatar - combined with other factors - may have something to do with it. As I said, I kind of like the whole package, but since you (hopefully) aren't going to change your personality, maybe a change of avatar would make sense.

(And yeah, the TSandM just adds to it all. I figured it was some "cool" diving or Sci Fi acronym that I just didn't "get." But with a different avatar, I don't think it would have that affect.)


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