Very strange thread -- would you dive with me?

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[Spousal unit checking in]

Very interesting thread -- ESPECIALLY the thoughts about the screen name!

Just because it has raised questions, here is the history. On a total whim, I created the name "T, S, and M Associates" for a business checking account -- the name came from the two cats we had at the time, The Squeater and Mini. Some time later we bought our farm and started breeding horses AND acquired another cat, Tizzle. For the next 18 years we always had three cats and they always were either a T, an S or an M.

IIRC, Lynne used TSandM as her AOL screen name and that has been her primarily online handle for over 20 years. I guess it just goes to the kind of people WE are that it never crossed our minds there could be anything "funny" about the name, T, S and M Associates.

Does anyone remember who created the Borg Queen avatar for her? I know she had some sort of plain jane picture (I think it was a night shot of her in the water at Cove 2 with the Seattle sky line as a background) until the BQ was created. Again, IIRC, someone put it into a thread about DIR and urged her to adopt it.

Back to the OP's original question -- Would I dive with her? ONLY IF she allows me to dive "My Way" and agrees NOT to write about it on SB! (Or tonight, whichever comes first.)
All the avatar angst is amusing. There are many avatars that aren't actual pics of people they represent, mine for example, yet nobody gets their knickers in a knot over them.
All the avatar angst is amusing. There are many avatars that aren't actual pics of people they represent, mine for example, yet nobody gets their knickers in a knot over them.

Yeah, but if the avatar is a PERSON that isn't them, then it gets confusing.

We're all pretty sure that your scuba gear isn't typing. :)
Does anyone remember who created the Borg Queen avatar for her? I know she had some sort of plain jane picture (I think it was a night shot of her in the water at Cove 2 with the Seattle sky line as a background) until the BQ was created. Again, IIRC, someone put it into a thread about DIR and urged her to adopt it.

I could be wrong, but I thought it was Claudette who first came up with the Borg Queen notion.

As for her old avatar ... it was most unflattering, what with that pointy hood and all. There were a couple people on ScubaBoard who commented that she looked like an old man. But this has always been a tough crowd, yanno ... no respect, I tell ya ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Whatever. :mad:

I suggest that TSandM's new avatar be of an actual head-shot photograph of her while wearing scuba gear. I think that should be the standard, so we all know who we're talking to. :) With a nice smile, I think that people would get a much friendlier impression...

Oh, I don't know ... avatars should say something about you as a person.

Take mine, for example ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
All the avatar angst is amusing. There are many avatars that aren't actual pics of people they represent, mine for example, yet nobody gets their knickers in a knot over them.

Yours doesn't give me the willies. I think Lynne's is unique in that regard.
As for her old avatar ... it was most unflattering, what with that pointy hood and all. There were a couple people on ScubaBoard who commented that she looked like an old man.

Heh, I remember that avatar. I began diving pretty much exactly the same time and was reading SB here and there. For the longest time I thought she was a guy, and felt that there was something incongruous in the way she wrote... then I read the dive diary and figured out it was a chick - her posts started feeling less suspect...
In my case, it's warranted ... I'm a very scary person ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

You are, every time I look to the left at your picture I have nightmares about toothpaste for some reason....

I am considering going back to the old avatar style, but perhaps updated to full auto or something modern....
The elitist image of DIR is only perpetuated by a few, but they're so good at it. It's unfair that it gets associated so readily with the entire DIR crowd, but that's human nature.
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