Very strange thread -- would you dive with me?

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I have to admit, your dive blog is one of the first things I read on SB. I found it informative, funny, and inspiring because I have read many of your post and know you (like most) are not the goofy diver we started as in the beginning.

"See, THAT's the problem! I want to figure out how to dispel this . . ."

Honestly, I'm not a science fiction fan - but I figured the picture wasn't you or your "normal" self, either - but it does send out a somewhat intimidating vibe. Along with several others, the screen name (with the picture backing it up) does send out mixed signals when reading your post. Your front (picture and screen name) send out one vibe, but your posts send out another.

I have been blessed to dive with others with MUCH more experience than myself and I always learn from and appreciate their experience. Yes, it would be an honor to dive with you (only warm water, please) but I can understand how new divers are not sure that you would want to dive with them...

I think newbies like myself are always (hopefully) more aware of our shortcomings (air consumption, silting up the bottom, how to handle emergencies) and our actual diving skills than those that have practiced it so long it is instinct. I believe that you would be a great mentor that would kindly point out areas I could improve it without going ballistic and making a scene.
Would YOU dive with me? And if not, why not?

Define "Dive with you"

a) together as a Team


b) Happen to be on the same boat.
I don't think she's looking to join your team ... that wasn't the question.

Yeah, I know... But that was kinda my point.

Shouldn't she be less concerned with whether or not the new diver is intimidated, and more concerned about finding a good, solid team (or adding to the team that she's already got) that's actually diving instead of just sitting around and talking about it? I mean, who cares what the opinion is of the noobie is? If they're smart, they'll form their opinions based on who's actually in the water anyway - so go get in the water!

I was there the other night when an out-of-town guest casually mentioned that she had always been intimidated at the thought of diving with Lynne. I think that comment surprised us both, because Lynne's one of the least intimidating people I have ever met.

Say, "Hey, that's flattering. Let's go diving." :) If she dumps the borg photo I'm sure that the word "intimidating" will no longer be heard.

The avatar is a long-standing joke that was created by a bunch of ScubaBoardans back in the day when Lynne first discovered DIR. Anybody who's followed her posts for any period of time probably knows where it came from.

Yes, I remember it... It wasn't that long ago. I still thought that it was possibly her, dressed up for Halloween or something. But that's not the point.

The point is that she's apparently concerned that new divers find her intimidating. I don't know why she'd care (if she wants to persue DIR, then she needs to be thinking "team" and "mentoring from someone with strong skills," not "why do those with 14 dives under their belt find me unapproachable"), but since she does, clearly a friendlier avatar would be of benefit.

Knowing your history on ScubaBoard, that comment surprises me not at all.

It has nothing to do with my history. Any time someone uses the term "S&M" in their screen name, it's only natural to think, "Hunh?" It wasn't my business, so I never said anything... But if that's not the impression that she's looking to make, then perhaps she should choose another impression to make. :)

Welcome back, SeaJay ... I think ...

Thanks, Bob! :D Missed ya, man... :)
Would you want to dive with her??????

I would dive with her, but I also know what her av is and the history behind it. I suggested that one because apparently some people are operating under the belief that her current av is actually her, and the "poster" might dispel that belief.
I would dive with you but you would have to dive my double hose rig and I would dive your DIR rig.:D
I would dive with her, but I also know what her av is and the history behind it. I suggested that one because apparently some people are operating under the belief that her current av is actually her, and the "poster" might dispel that belief.

Inquiring minds would like to know the history behind the avitar.
Inquiring minds would like to know the history behind the avitar.

for some people Borg = DIR

Avatar is of the Borg Queen. and again for some reason, some see her as being DIR (or a DIR represenative.)
Yeah, I know... But that was kinda my point.

Shouldn't she be less concerned with whether or not the new diver is intimidated, and more concerned about finding a good, solid team (or adding to the team that she's already got) that's actually diving instead of just sitting around and talking about it? I mean, who cares what the opinion is of the noobie is? If they're smart, they'll form their opinions based on who's actually in the water anyway - so go get in the water!
Lynne has an abundance of good, solid team divers to choose from ... more than she can find time to dive with regularly. But that sort of diving is only one aspect of Lynne.

The other aspect is of a diver who has a sincere desire to "pay forward" all the mentoring that she was offered over the years by pairing up with newbs who may be having trouble finding someone to dive with. Keep in mind that in the PNW we don't have divemasters to lead us on our dives. You are expected to be able to plan and execute your own dives coming straight out of OW ... often in low visibility, current, and other conditions that a new diver would find daunting. The usual approach here is to either join an established dive club with a "Big Buddy" program or spend inordinate amounts of time hanging around dive shops looking for someone to dive with. I recently met a fellow hanging out at a local dive site with a sign that said "Seeking a Dive Buddy". She enjoys diving with these people, and helping them overcome the intimidation of not just finding buddies, but acclimating to the conditions local divers have to put up with.

It's not about team, really ... Lynne has no limit of options when it comes to hooking up with experienced divers. It's a desire to help new divers overcome the intimidation factor that comes from being new. That's what she found disturbing ... it seemed to her that her Internet presence was making her a part of the very problem she was trying to help others overcome.

Hey Lynne ... maybe you should adopt one of those cute little lumpsuckers as your new avatar ... nobody's gonna find those intimidating ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I would dive with you but you would have to dive my double hose rig and I would dive your DIR rig.:D

I suspect you'd be happier diving with Peter ... he's got one of those old contraptions too ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Inquiring minds would like to know the history behind the avitar.

Basically, it followed her transition to DIR. People say that DIR "assimilates" people, Lynne explored it, liked what she found and geared her mindset towards that. Many of us watched her progression from struggling newbie to "Queen of the Borg" as she embraced that style of diving.

Thats obviously a cliff notes version and I'm sure she can elaborate much better.

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