Very strange thread -- would you dive with me?

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Well, I thought the Borg Queen was a good joke, but maybe I need to rethink that . . . On the other hand, I don't think I'd change my user name, because I have way too long a track record under this one.

I'll admit this thread is strange (I titled it that way!) but I really have been frustrated with the fact that none of the new divers I've reached out to in the last year or so have taken me up on my offers, and I do think you guys have given me some ideas on how to be more approachable. Since mentoring new divers is a particular pleasure of mine and I've missed it, I thank you!
I don't know... What attributes do you think you could bring to the Rebel Dive Team? :)

Honestly, we're a pretty picky bunch, and we'd have to see you dive before considering you as a member, who would certainly be relied on at times for the success or failure of the team's goals. Additionally, every diver is tasked to keep all of the other team members alive, so do you think you're the kind of person that could handle having someone else's life in your hands? At depth? When the fit hits the shan?

Even after becoming a diver on our team, you might still not be "first string." You may only be a backup diver. Which diver in the water do you think the most important one is?
I don't think she's looking to join your team ... that wasn't the question.

Dispel what? Are you uncomfortable with the fact that your presence intimidates? Why? Diving isn't about attitudes or intimidation or what people think... It's about diving. Do it, and the world will follow. If they don't, then you're still diving, and they aren't, so what difference does it make what they think?
I was there the other night when an out-of-town guest casually mentioned that she had always been intimidated at the thought of diving with Lynne. I think that comment surprised us both, because Lynne's one of the least intimidating people I have ever met.

2. Your avatar is intimidating. Your name is intimidating. Apparently this surprises you. Change your avatar to a friendly, smiling face in a wetsuit and you'll see an immediate difference on how others perceive you. You can't change your user name unless you change accounts - but it won't matter if you get rid of the photo of the pasty white humanoid alien borg looking-down-her-nose-at-you avatar.

...Not that I don't like your avatar - I do - but it gives the appearance of intimidation.

For what it's worth, I do not watch Star Trek, and for the longest time I had no idea that your avatar was NOT you.
The avatar is a long-standing joke that was created by a bunch of ScubaBoardans back in the day when Lynne first discovered DIR. Anybody who's followed her posts for any period of time probably knows where it came from.

..And until this thread, I thought your name was a sexual reference. And not the loving, man-and-wife kind of sexual reference, but a slave-and-mistress kind of sexual reference.
Knowing your history on ScubaBoard, that comment surprises me not at all.

Welcome back, SeaJay ... I think ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Everyone from the Pacific Northwest frightens me; there are more serial killers per square meter there than anywhere else in the world.

I would be afraid I would not return......

Heck, even Bob scares me to death...
In my case, it's warranted ... I'm a very scary person ... :wink:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
The avatar is a long-standing joke that was created by a bunch of ScubaBoardans back in the day when Lynne first discovered DIR. Anybody who's followed her posts for any period of time probably knows where it came from.

New divers weren't around "back in the day," won't get the joke, and if they aren't into star trek may easily assume that is her picture. I certainly have always just assumed that was her.
You should have a friendlier like mine perhaps....

I liked your old one better ... :rofl3:

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
I certainly have always just assumed that was her.

Maybe it's time for a new Av?

I would definitely dive with you (and your husband of course) :wink: , except for the whole Ice Freakin cold water thing yall do. Well actually I have been looking into a drysuit so maybe even then. You are very thoughtful here on the board and I assume it translates into thoughtful diving. I cant think of any reason not to dive with a safe thoughtful diver, and only one reason not to dive with an unsafe one. :D
New divers weren't around "back in the day," won't get the joke, and if they aren't into star trek may easily assume that is her picture. I certainly have always just assumed that was her.

I always thought it was her, dressed up for a play or a costume party.

I'd dive with Lynne but I don't think she does, same ocean, same day, dive buddy.

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