Very strange thread -- would you dive with me?

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I would dive with you and I'd try to learn the most from you, but beeing a rookie diver and having read many of your posts, how you love GUE and DIR, How experienced you are, and all of that.. I'd be.. I don't know if afraid is the right word, but expectig you to judge what I do, either saying it out loud or just in your mind.

Personally, I think that is a good thing, and is a good way to keep learning and improve my skills, supposing that it is constructive critisism, I think most divers that are afraid fear that you could take an "I am the perfect diver and you know nothing compared to me" attitude.
T, S&M I have read many of your post of the years, some I commented on some I agreed with some I was unsure of... It has never crossed my mind that I should NOT dive with you...(Or 99% of the remaining SB"ers I have had the opprotunity to learn from and the few I have met)

My skill set, experiance, and gear config being diffrent but in the end, we are all divers. We are all just having a dive to relax enjoy and make a few friends along the way. If we were diving togther I would regardless of the location and type of dive, I would expect that I would be asking you all sorts of questions, as I would guess you would be doing the same...but then it depends on the person too...

Ever done the St. Lawrence river????
Of course Katy and I would love to dive with you, anytime. We think you are great.

Lynne, I have to agree with those who say that your name and avatar don't really do you justice. When I look at your user page I get a much more accurate impression of who you are. But when I read your posts - That is when I feel that I know your heart.

But whether we ever meet or not, please know this: You are one of the best things about Scubaboard. We love reading your posts.

Best Regards to you and Peter and the horses.
Mike & Katy Boswell
Any time. Come to Florida when the water is warm and we'll go diving.
I'm a new diver and new to the board, but I'd love the chance to dive with and learn from you!
Afraid probably meant they were intimidated by what they thinkabout your knowledge or abilities compared to what they thinkabout their own. I would dive with you, I ain't 'fraid of no doctor (I'm an ED nurse:D).
I would have to agree that anyone with any interest in becoming a better diver would/should jump at the chance to learn from/with you. Having read some of your other posts, I perceive you as someone constantly striving to be the best but also understanding that you (we) are human with a variety of limitations. Recognizing them and overcoming them are key to improvement, and given the opportunity to learn from someone who's already learned from experience and can teach me what they've learned, I'd dive with you in a heartbeat.

And it took me a little while to realize your avatar wasn't you (I knew of the Borg Queen already), but I actually really like it. It gets one's attention and makes me think, "I need to pay attention to what this one is saying." And thanks for the clarification of the name. I, too, had my own ideas...

Please don't let the Nu-B fears make you second-guess yourself. You truly are an asset to SB. Keep up the excellent posts!
In the last week, I've had three different people tell me that they were glad to have finally gotten to dive with me, because previously they were afraid to.

Afraid to? Afraid to dive with ME? Good heavens.

But now I'm beginning to understand why I keep offering to dive with new divers and nobody takes me up on it.

Would YOU dive with me? And if not, why not?

Sure; when you come to South Florida I would definitely dive with you. The more relevant question might be" "would you dive with me"?

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