Very strange thread -- would you dive with me?

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The avatar is cool, the name is cool, she has tons of experience from training and practice, she's female and a doctor. I don't think you can get placed much higher on the list of people with whom I want to dive.

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Some off topic posts, posts quoting off topic posts and just plain mean stuff has been removed. Please remember that this thread is in the basic scuba forum- as it states in the special rules at the top of the page this is a flame free area. If you'd like to have an argument please take it elsewhere or better yet just ignore the urge and go diving. :D
I'm not going to read all of the responses but I think CD hit on it perfectly. I think you might make fun of my split fins and my Air2, and you would hate my buddy skills since I'm one of those u/w photographers, but I'd love to meet you one day and dive with you. I'm totally amazed that someone so tiny can use doubles!!

What she said...
Well, let's see. Your avatar is the Borg Queen, no one I want to get close to, and your name is somewhat reminiscent of a "perversion". It's only a little off-putting.


Some may think its a perversion:eyebrow: I would love to, thanks for asking!
see you topside! John
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So Lynne, you've got a handful of invites to dive NC and a dozen (or more) invites to dive FL....time to cash in some frequent flyer miles...:D
When I went up to the PNW in December, 2008, I set up dives with both you and Bob. I was intimidated....I knew the two of you were very solid and squared away in the water, and that I was a very new diver (even newer to the drysuit). But I told myself that I would not let the intimidation factor stop me from diving with two people I'd come to respect very much.

I'm glad I didn't. And I'm even more glad that I've had the opportunity to dive with the two of you a couple other times....and hope that I can continue my diving streak every time I make it up to the PNW.

I do get the whole intimidation thing. I was definitely intimidated....but I was also determined to learn from great divers and ask for comments/feedback. I'm grateful that I didn't let the intimidation stop me, and I hope that others are the same way as I do know you get great joy from "paying it forward".
The question is would you dive with me?
Any time Lynne

The more relevant question might be" "would you dive with me"?

Sure, but would YOU dive with me?:popcorn:

What they said. The challenge is not whether someone who wants to adopt your style (general you - not the specific you Lynne) will dive with you but whether you will dive with someone who is happy with their own style. Puts a different twist on the discussion.

I would dive with you but you would have to dive my double hose rig and I would dive your DIR rig.:D

Sold! And spoken by someone I would like to dive with.

Everyone from the Pacific Northwest frightens me; there are more serial killers per square meter there than anywhere else in the world.

Yeah baby...

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